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Hmmm, Well I have to mention the very poor representation of the pitches in FM 2019.

Either my £600 monitor is representing colours wrong as I am seeing most pitches a dirty Olive colour not green, or this is how its meant to be.

A few seasons ago the pitches showed some wear and a much more realistic colour.

Now, considering the statue and quality of the FM series I cannot understand the dreadful renditions presented in 2019.


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I agree, they are crap. What's worse is if you compare to a previous version (I was playing FM16 the other day) they are much, much better so it is something they have made a bizarre but concious decision over removing. I have the Fez (I think that's his name) textures mod that makes them a teeny bit more bearable but yes, they are rubbish. Even the lowliest VNL North pitch looks like a billiard table.

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The whole 3D graphics display are of poor standards.  I've given up on FM19 because if this and have gone back to FM17 . FM19 like a movie with a bad ending so it spoils the whole feeling of the game . FM17 has better pitches ,stadiums , ball , nets , the whole works and you can watch the game in a full screen with out the top intruding over a quarter  of the game  . I like FM19s interface and the Pre Editor offers a lot more but everything else is a let down. Also sick if them removing features of the game for the sake of adding new ones . Won't be buying FM20 or any others now . I didnt mention FM18 coz that was a disaster too. Think they have lost there way 

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  • 7 months later...
vor 2 Minuten schrieb Sourav B:

FM17 has so much better overall graphics than 18 and 19th version, haven't checked 2020 yet, but I want some mod to make it more contrastful

The skinning forum is the place for that. 

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