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Tactical frameworks and squad building - an in depth guide to how I approach FM.

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I have not been playing a lot of FM this year. The pandemic and being stuck in a new country pretty much alone without many ways to blow off steam meant I have gravitated a little away from competitive games to more relaxing open ended ones this year. Things I can do to relax without having to think about winning or doing well. So I have not really done much that I would be be able to write about and show. I still play every now and then, but it has been a while since I did a long stint. 

It is also a matter of finding the correct time and motivation for me. Again with a lot of home working in the last year I have had to make a hard line between working and not working. So sitting and writing does feel a lot like working, which means I am not enjoying doing it as much as I have in the past. 

This is something that is on my mind to eventually get around to doing, and now we are hopefully getting a little bit back to normal maybe I will find that it is possible to bring some of these things back. Hope you all understand! Thought it was better to at least post some update than to leave everyone hanging. 

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