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Scout rating (%) - Reliable?

Guest JasonDG

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Guest JasonDG

How reliable is the rating score given by Genie Scout and mini-SE? If not how can you tell a star? as players with 190 PA aren't always great!

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Thats the thing with PA, its his best potential ability, that doesn't mean he will automatically become godlike cause he has a PA for 190. You need to tutor and develop it, so that the CA rises to what the PA is. Most of the time I just use those programs to find possible high PA players who I then sign and try and develop into good players.

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Originally posted by Intercept:

Thats the thing with PA, its his best potential ability, that doesn't mean he will automatically become godlike cause he has a PA for 190. You need to tutor and develop it, so that the CA rises to what the PA is.

190 CA doesnt guarantee the player is any good either. It's pretty unlikely that they aren't any good at that high PA, but certain players are just mediocre due to innefective stats spreads (Garay and Kompany are good examples).

As for the %, it's a decent guide but don't rely on it. For one thing, it doesn't weight second foot anywhere near enough (two footed players with stats at 15 generally outperform one-footed with stats at 18), it massively overrates wingback ability, underrates a lot of good strikers (Johnson, for example, is a beast and yet is only rated at 68%) and finally doesn't use the correct CA weighting (it weights Consistency and ImpMatches heavily, when the engine either doesn't rate them or gives them an extremely small rating).

It's a useful guideline but given how many key weaknesses it can accidentally overlook, relying solely on it to build your team will leave you dissapointed.

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As said above, a player needs his CA to reach his PA, by training matches and tutoring, to be truly good. However to be excellent he needs the stats in the correct areas, e.g. a Centre Defender does not need 15+ finishing, if he did though, it would go towards some of the points his CA allows for.

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