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[SUGGESTION] To develop the relationships with agents in future versions

Bothan Spy

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With the increasing influence of super agents within the game, I think the relationship managers have with them needs developing. I've noticed that in the, 'relationship' section, it will state that some agents like you better than others.

I've found on a couple of occasions when trying to renegotiate contracts with some current players in my squad, I'm face with a red response of, "my client will not negotiate due to his hatred of the club" (even though he is currently playing for me!) and the, "my client wants to leave at the end of his contract". even though the player likes you and you are unable to discuss this with them. you just feel completely hamstrung.

the chance to tell a player to get rid of his agent does exist but randomly happens. how about the chance to chat to agents you get along with? get them to persuade their clients to join you or resign contracts? surely this happens IRL? Just a thought.

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2 hours ago, Bothan Spy said:

get them to persuade their clients to join you

If the player is still under contract at another club then I'm fairly certain that's considered tapping up.


2 hours ago, Bothan Spy said:

resign contracts

When you offer a contract to a player, if you already get along with that agent then the contract demands will be a lot less anyway, especially agent fee. 

I feel an interaction to chat with an agent is just another screen to lead up to the contract negotiation screen and doesn't really add that much. Yeah it would be a neat little extra feature to just chat, but I don't see it being really needed.

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