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[Suggestion] training performance


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1. I would like to see more gradations in feedback on training (and player development). Currently there are only the options "very satisfied" for good performance and "very disappointed" for poor performance in the interaction with the players. It needs much more in between, in my opinion. If someone has a 7.0, I want to tell him, "good, but you can do it better" or "well, if you keep doing this, I'll get you from the beginning", etc. Sometimes understatement should be more motivating than exaggeration, depending on player's personality + team status, and vice versa.

2. In addition to "more gradations", automated grouping of players based on training performance in a report with the ability to give these groups similar feedback with just one or a few clicks would be great. For example, for all players who are >8.0 at the end of the training week, I want to say, "very good, keep it up". For all players between 7.0 and 8.0, I want to say, "good, but you can do it even better". I want to give all players <6.4 a motivating ass kick. Optimal would be an overview, suggested by my assistant coach, on the basis of which I can make individual changes. Player X from Group A should get some other feedback, for example. Player Y from Group B should not get any feedback this week because he was already praised last week. For the automated grouping there should be individually adjustable note thresholds depending on your taste. Instead of the current "click orgy", there would be a click-saving, group-related feedback with individual customization options. I think that even in the real football world sometimes five people are picked out together who are told nearly the same thing.


Edited by leviathan1904
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