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Might sound silly, but I find the game a tad too easy. Hear me out. When managing a poor club, its far too easy to sign players, whether it be on loan or transfers, and within 6-7 seasons. you can win the EPL for example with Cardiff. Yes the first 2-3 seasons can be tough, but as the years progress, the AI is simply terrible and lackluster, and its far too easy to build a super team (game gets easier and easier as the years progress). Guess this ties down to the AI being poor. A suggestion would be to have more hidden attributes for clubs in terms of their transfer philosophies ( ties in to having extra and added hidden attributes for the chairman). Having these extra attributes and traits for the clubs and chairmen would maybe improve the AI significantly. 

I am in the year 2029, and have won the league with Cardiff two years in a row. So unrealistic and feels too easy. (My first 2 seasons were tough) but as the money came pouring in, it gets easy to build a very strong side. Pls improve the AI

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