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Is it only my impression that FM2019 is too easy?

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8 minutes ago, Footix said:

Can you please stop saying the game is too easy? It makes me feel really bad, I couldn't pull off a decent tactic if my life depended on it. Occasionally I put something together that seems to work OK for a game or two, but then I get trashed 0-5 with 3-31 in shots. 

Roles, duties, player instructions, team instructions.. It's sooo complex to get everything right. 😕

I found that rest (from training) has a HUGE impact on match performance. You can have a nice tactics, but if your players are overtrained and tired, they won't play well. Try to intersperse some rest days for your main team, before and between matches, and see if performance improves. I bet it will. Good luck!

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6 minuti fa, Footix ha scritto:

Roles, duties, player instructions, team instructions.. It's sooo complex to get everything right. 😕

KISS! ;)

You can't really get everything right, but the more you tinker and the more layers you add, the higher the chance to actually get most of it wrong!

Just pick a formation that suits your players, use the TC/Wizard and see where it goes from there. Maybe you won't win back-to-back Champions League with West Ham in 2022 and 2023, but you'll eventually get ok results in the long run.

Also: don't let the Green Circles trick you! Players' attributes >>> Circles... So if your CM has all the right attributes to be a DPL (S), don't panic if the tactical screen thinks he'd be better off as a Carrillero or as a generic CM (D).
As long as the key attributes are there and the tactic doesn't have red squares in key areas, you'd be fine.

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I tried going Herne and play without any instructions at all, but that didn't work that well either. 

I think it's mainly the roles that confuse me, really. Especially in midfield, there's just too many to choose from. I'd much prefer a blank slate for players and rather add the odd player instruction! So I usually use the generic CM role.. Maybe something else would have worked better, but I'm so out of my depth with this stuff. 

And the most frustrating part is that I'll likely buy FM 20 when it's out and go through all this struggle again! 😂

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It's not a question of it being easier than a lot of players having played the FM series and CM series for 10-15-20 years now and being extremely experienced. Once you realise what's viable tactically (no conflicting instructions and positions, weird formations) it becomes less challenging but that's true of any hobby played for years and even decades. The big innovation this year was the tactical pre-sets so everyone could make their own version of tiki-taka or gegenpress by clicking a button to get a basic template of that style which makes creating new tactics easier for less experienced players but if you've been playing the game for a long time it shouldn't be anything new for you. I personally think the football on fm19 is more realistic and responsive to player input than previous editions and I think that's worth reducing the challenge for experienced players. I think the next major challenge to improve is AI squad building, especially at bigger clubs, but how to do that is a difficult question by the sounds of it. 

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10 hours ago, decapitated said:

It's not a question of it being easier than a lot of players having played the FM series and CM series for 10-15-20 years now and being extremely experienced. 

Alternative, lots of Players coming from Releases where Input doesn't Play a role -- they could put up a "super tactic" exploiting the ME/AI that a) draws Player Quality wholly redundant, gives consistently results, and generally stops the game from being like Football too much. Hard to tell, but if your first reaction to an isolated match that sees you "outplayed" is "MUst be my tactics", likewise when you'Re on a run of x games without winning; then that's not football you're expecting, but something else. For as Long as you don't have any such, the margins between winning and losing are far smaller, as your attacking Players don't Pop up barely defended in front of the Goal over and over again -- as tends to be the case in Football. Even if SI would one day improve their AI and thus make actual tactical assistants worth their while -- I doubt it they'd exploit their own game.

Still, the fact that there are "conflicting" instructions (which the AI can employ too, and not to ist Benefit), kinda goes against what FM aims to simulate, which is semi-pro Management. E.g. its Players (as well as AI) may not be actual Managers.... however, within the context of ist Simulation, it is assumed they are, and thus wouldn't make the most Basic of mistakes -- or even the gibberish you can on occasion still see on this game. :D [Alternatively thus, the Player may Pop into the tactical download sections, and download one of the more popular "super tactics" FM 19 Edition; but don't come out  too frustrated when every once in a while your entire midfield being shoved boxside in Possession the entire Season becomes easily engaged, and the amount of set pieces as well as shots from range goes through the Roof and then some. ]


Edited by Svenc
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18 hours ago, Footix said:

Can you please stop saying the game is too easy? It makes me feel really bad, I couldn't pull off a decent tactic if my life depended on it. Occasionally I put something together that seems to work OK for a game or two, but then I get trashed 0-5 with 3-31 in shots. 

Roles, duties, player instructions, team instructions.. It's sooo complex to get everything right. 😕

I'm with you Footix. I play the Touch version on the Switch and am constantly getting frustrated. I'm not sure I understand how to build an effective tactic that will bring sustained success (beyond about half a season).

The only reason I keep going back to the game is because of threads like this. Others are having success so I keep trying to get there myself.

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12 ore fa, Svenc ha scritto:

Alternative, lots of Players coming from Releases where Input doesn't Play a role -- they could put up a "super tactic" exploiting the ME/AI that a) draws Player Quality wholly redundant, gives consistently results, and generally stops the game from being like Football too much. Hard to tell, but if your first reaction to an isolated match that sees you "outplayed" is "MUst be my tactics", likewise when you'Re on a run of x games without winning; then that's not football you're expecting, but something else. For as Long as you don't have any such, the margins between winning and losing are far smaller, as your attacking Players don't Pop up barely defended in front of the Goal over and over again -- as tends to be the case in Football. Even if SI would one day improve their AI and thus make actual tactical assistants worth their while -- I doubt it they'd exploit their own game.

Still, the fact that there are "conflicting" instructions (which the AI can employ too, and not to ist Benefit), kinda goes against what FM aims to simulate, which is semi-pro Management. E.g. its Players (as well as AI) may not be actual Managers.... however, within the context of ist Simulation, it is assumed they are, and thus wouldn't make the most Basic of mistakes -- or even the gibberish you can on occasion still see on this game. :D [Alternatively thus, the Player may Pop into the tactical download sections, and download one of the more popular "super tactics" FM 19 Edition; but don't come out  too frustrated when every once in a while your entire midfield being shoved boxside in Possession the entire Season becomes easily engaged, and the amount of set pieces as well as shots from range goes through the Roof and then some. ]


I must say this, that sometimes (the most of times actually) after reading one of your posts I'm more confused than clarified.

But it must be to my poor knowledge of the english language, for sure.

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47 minutes ago, Federico said:

I must say this, that sometimes (the most of times actually) after reading one of your posts I'm more confused than clarified.

But it must be to my poor knowledge of the english language, for sure.

Thanks! I was afraid I was alone but then we are at least two who are confused. But, as you said, maybe it is because english is not our first language. It could very well be crystal clear for the natives.

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37 minuti fa, qazwsx ha scritto:

Thanks! I was afraid I was alone but then we are at least two who are confused. But, as you said, maybe it is because english is not our first language. It could very well be crystal clear for the natives.


1 ora fa, Federico ha scritto:

I must say this, that sometimes (the most of times actually) after reading one of your posts I'm more confused than clarified.

But it must be to my poor knowledge of the english language, for sure.

Don't worry, @Svenc is well known for his writing skills. However, If you stay long enough, you will be able to get through his meta language and realize that 95% of the time he is damn right whatever he says.

Edited by MBarbaric
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@bestbrother gives the best example of why some people think FM19 is particularly easy - unlike many other versions the most obvious choices of formation are the most effective ones.

With FM17, for example, you'd need quite a bit of work to get 4-4-2 to defend properly, but could do pretty well with a standard aggressive 4-2-3-1 with the right players. Or you could murder everyone with an average team and a narrow, possession-centric strikerless formation, but let's be honest, most people using that did so because they read about other people being successful in FM17 using that shape and not because of the narrow, possession-centric strikerless sides they watched. 

Whereas in FM19, you pick the fashionable Gegenpress style plus any kind of 4411,442, 4231, 4141 etc (probably the shape your side plays IRL) and unless your defenders are slow or you pick really unbalanced roles, you're pretty well set to perform well above your team's talent levels, especially if you're a lower mid table side (though the killer hack to fix this formation's defensive weaknesses - inverted fullbacks - is probably not something you hit on accidentally)

Then there's the example of @herne79 deliberately not adding any player instructions to his West Ham side  and playing a standard 4-2-3-1 shape and finishing third in Premier League with the original squad in a test which wasn't even trying to overperform. Sure, he still had to balance player roles and fit the right players into them (a nuance a some people missed when complaining that if he was overachieving with "no tactics" it made the game pointless!) and I'm not sure he'd do quite as well repeating the season but it's still about as vanilla as formations get.


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  • 3 months later...

I find it frustrating easy for long saves. If you change job now and then you'll have a new challange for a couple of seasons, but if you stay at 1 team it gets too easy after a couple of seasons.
The AI just can't keep up with you, specifically in the transfer area and I do understand that it might be difficult to program an AI that can beat you in this area.

I think there should be a balancing system in tact. Let's say that the combined rating of the best premier league club is 70 (some number based on player ratings) when the game starts.
Then you start buying 5 star potential regens and 10 years later the best team in the premier league (your team) has a combined rating of 85.
Now the AI needs to balance things out to be able to still make a challange. There is going to be balancing in your division / top competing teams / world.

If it's too hard to do this via AI transfers, which I can understand, then simply spawn improved regens to other clubs. 5 years later these teams will be competing again.

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