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Selling a player without making them unhappy

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Hi All,

In my save game when the season is over I want to bring some new better faces then my current squad, but whenever I want to sell my player he doesnt want to go and the whole squad becomes unhappy. For example I have a striker who scored maybe 15 goals for me, but I want to sell him because of his value and bring some better or younger faces to the club. If I put him on the transfer list, he becomes unhappy and dont want to go. What do you do to sell your good player? or how do you sell your star player? 

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First of all you dont put him on the transfer list as this alerts everybody ( and him ) that he is unwanted and consequently you will not get any bids close to his in-game value.  Maybe wait to see if there are any clubs interested and then offer to clubs, but truthfully if you want to get rid of a player, you will need to run the risk of upsetting either him or the squad but the needs of the team are your first and only priority

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When you select "offer to clubs" there should be an agent feedback - if its says something along the Iines of "my client may become unsettled if you offer him to other clubs", try lowering the player's squad status first then doing it again in a couple of days. I had this problem trying to offload Jordan Veretout for Fiorentina, who was a First Team player, so I reloaded, changed him to Backup, still he was unhappy. 3rd reload, changed status to Backup then continued a couple of days and it was like his new status had sunk in, he didn't complain at being offered out.

Of course once they've agreed to be transfer listed, and perhaps you've had to have the chat where you ask them to leave, they're usually going to kick up a fuss if you don't accept £5mil (90% in add-ons) even if they're valued at twice that. Although once I did have a guy - Mahmoud Dahoud at Dortmund - accept my valuation of £45m, i.e. double his actual value, and then even get a club to meet it!

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Sometimes this will happen, especially when its a talented player or one with high influence within your squad. Sometimes you just have to accept that your squad and the player will never be happy, there's really no way around it, thanks to dynamics. You could always drop him to the U23's or wait til his contract runs out, this gives a pretty clear indication to the player at least


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