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Transfers - cant offload player

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Hi Guys,

Quick query - I have 2 keepers on my books, but very good. wanted to get rid of one (high wages and transfer fee) I haggled with a few teams to try and sell but none would pay enough. Then I promised him I would sell him. Next transfer offers sent in were just immediately rejected by me/ or the club. Cant offload him, tried everything (offering to clubs, trasnfer list etc) still the same thing, transfer rejected. i thenm went to DOF and asked him to offload, transfer offer rejected, I finally got him out on loan but any reason for this. Very annoying as affected my morale etc and general enjoyment of game

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By the way, just on the note of clubs offering less for a transfer listed player, if the player is transfer listed by request, does this still apply or can you set a higher price for them and might get that offered, since you did not actually want to sell them? Or will they still usually only offer less for him, because they know he wants to leave?

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18 minutes ago, WojciechZed said:

By the way, just on the note of clubs offering less for a transfer listed player, if the player is transfer listed by request, does this still apply or can you set a higher price for them and might get that offered, since you did not actually want to sell them? Or will they still usually only offer less for him, because they know he wants to leave?

They won't offer it but you can get it with patient negotiating

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It's hard to sell. Even very good players, it's hard to get an offer, let alone a good one. Even when you don't try to sell but would consider any offer, none are coming despite big interest by like 5 clubs. That's one of my disappointment with Braga

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Sorry guys I wasnt clear - any bid that comes in is just automatically rejected. I dont get the option to accept or reject or haggle. so I offer him to clubs again, wait a day, 10 offers come in and all are automatically rejected.. repeat the process, still no joy. A club comes in with an offer 5 million shy of what I want I would accept but alas, the offer has already been automatically rejected. So I ask DOF to sell, offers are rejected automatically, even when they match the asking price. i managed to clear him out on loan but he was sitting in squad really p!ssed off and affecting morale for about a month

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12 minutes ago, fmhick5times said:

Sorry guys I wasnt clear - any bid that comes in is just automatically rejected. I dont get the option to accept or reject or haggle.

What are your settings for him on his transfer status page? Do any of the options prevent an offer from being accepted?

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If you are looking to sell a player, you are not going to get much over their value. By offering a player out you are making it clear that you do not want to him. Buying clubs will therefore try to offer as low as possible in order to get him, as they know you do not want the player. The only exception to this is a really good player, but even then you will get less than you would if you have not expressed interest in selling.

You are also making a mistake by not negotiating. The AI will offer low of what they will actually pay for the player (you should also do that when making bids). You will be able to negotiate more out of them in most cases, and if you are short of what you want, you should be actively trying to get more for the player. You will not be able to make huge amounts of money selling unwanted players though. Usually you sell unwanted players to reduce the financial load on the club from their wages.


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49 minutes ago, fmhick5times said:

Sorry guys I wasnt clear - any bid that comes in is just automatically rejected. I dont get the option to accept or reject or haggle. so I offer him to clubs again, wait a day, 10 offers come in and all are automatically rejected.. repeat the process, still no joy. A club comes in with an offer 5 million shy of what I want I would accept but alas, the offer has already been automatically rejected. So I ask DOF to sell, offers are rejected automatically, even when they match the asking price. i managed to clear him out on loan but he was sitting in squad really p!ssed off and affecting morale for about a month

Do you have ticked "reject all offers" or something like that. If not maybe it's a bug.

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I havent ticked any boxes to reject it's just a bug I am waiting on offers which when they come in are automatically rejected. i managed to loan him out and when he came back at seasons end I could accept offers for him so it worked out in the end but just annoying

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51 minutes ago, fmhick5times said:

I havent ticked any boxes to reject it's just a bug I am waiting on offers which when they come in are automatically rejected. i managed to loan him out and when he came back at seasons end I could accept offers for him so it worked out in the end but just annoying

No it isn't you either had someone else in charge of transfers or you had ticked a box somewhere along the lines

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If it's not on the Transfer Status page, then has the DoF got it set in the Staff Responsibilities? It does sound like it's a setting somewhere - you have another member of staff making the decision for you.

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