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[Suggestion] Promises made by your players, not by the manager


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When you criticise your player for a poor performance, e.g. "you were not good enough defensively in the last match. you need to improve to stay in the first team", I'd like to be able to quote relevant statistics from the last (or previous) matches, e.g. "you lost possession 12 times in that match" and offer the player a promise - you will reward them, perhaps with a new contract, improved squad status or more playing time, if they improve in that regard (e.g. "If you improve in retaining possession and in the next 3 matches only lose the ball 8 times per 90mins, I'll consider giving you a new contract". You can already do something a bit similar when a player asks for a new contract and you reject, saying they need to improve in X statistic or attribute, so I think this would be a natural expansion to that feature.

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