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Why is it so hard to sell players?

Šećer Babo

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I'm with barca, and trying to sell Eto and a couple other players, and not going so good. Eto's value is 36 mil. €, and only transfer offer i had was about 27 mil. €. I get tons of offers for every player but for loan with the possibility to buy, but i dont want to loan players and not be shure will i sell them. Is this only in my game or others have the same problem? Offering players like Keita-value about 15 mil. € for 6-7 mil. and cant get a transfer offer??? Something's not right.

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He is right though, so he can write something, there are a limited amount of clubs that will be able to afford a player like Eto, not just his transfer fee but his wages as well.

Mate. If barca transfer lists Eto, ther would be about 10 clubs eager to buy him for much more then the value (36 mil. €) in real football. The same goes for Keita. Value 16, cant get 6-7 mil. That's not right. These are not some obscure players.

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I've actually found it easier than normal to sell players so far, normally I would have to terminate the contracts of some squad players to get rid of them, but so far I've managed to sell most of them.

The problem I've found now is if a player has just joined a club in the summer irl you can't get rid of them, cause they will say "player is reluctanct to leave so soon after joining" or something like that.

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I found it easier also. Basically you want to get them in form, and sell them then at the peak of their value. I sold my 29-year old declining D/M R Brett Emerton for $8M(could have probably got 9), and I'll probably sell David Dunn for 8-9M at the end of the season. Not bad for some old nobodies.

Also got a $20M offer for Roque Santa Cruz, but I turned it down because I won't sell him for less than $30M.

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if you want to offload them just put offer out just under the value, always works for me :) sold all my midfielders that i didnt need at villa even though it wasnt a massive profit still had cover with free signing and the "world class signing" :)

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I found a trick in FM08 im not sure if it works in FM09 coz dont have it yet

I offer players out for 24month deal, for example if i wanted to offload a player valued at 25m, i offer him out for 25m over 24 month payment plan, sometimes if the players value is way below the market value (usually regens) i offer them over their value and it works. If this doesnt work, i gues you are stuck with them?

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Why dont people read?

I offered all players i want to sell for half of their value, and still got only loan offers!!! I even tryed to sell them for 0 €, and the rest over 24 months. Still nothing. Now i got a deacent offer for Busquets, but Keita, Pique, Hleb. Nothing. 27.5 mil. for Eto is a mistake. Now i wish i didn't sell him.

In the demo and in past versions i always got more then the players value. In fm08 i got 75 mil. € for Eto. In 09 demo got 50 mil. € for Diaby(that's a bug). I know what i'm doing, but nothing is going right. In the meanwhile the young and cheap word class players like Sakho, Silva and other i wont to buy are getting new contracts and geting mor expencive. I can only have 25 players in Spain, and i already signed Richards, M. Fernandes, Veloso, Baloateli, Saivet, Fazio, from inter rb/wb Monzos or something like that, and about 10 other young players.

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the transfer system is muchly improved this time around and not getting offers of 37mil for eto'o sounda bout right to me.... in todays market , only man city will pay that much and possibly chelsea.... no other club in the world would pay it ...... and if you disagree... give me an example if you could...

and you'd do well to not have a go and get frustrated with other members who are purely trying to help you Secer...

big transfers like that only go on in the game once you've touted the player around a bit , create rumours... talk to the press.... it works really well in this game

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Try this method.

First, list the player "available for loan"...

Second, when you see that there are interested clubs, quickly change the transfer status to "transfer listed" and "not available for loan".

Third, offer the player to those clubs... I find that offering the players on installment might be easier for them to be sold.

good luck...

PS: if you have better ways to get rid of fringe players, please share.

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The problem is that Eto'o, as many here have explained, is a world-class player only affordable for the very biggest clubs.

Madrid won't want him as he's a Barca player. Chelsea can afford him but they'll probably decide they don't need him with Anelka and Drogba in the team and probably other targets available for less money. Man U definitely don't need another striker, and nor do Arsenal. Liverpool have a surprisingly low transfer budget at the start of the game so they can't afford him.

In fact, as far as I know, the only clubs that could afford Eto'o at the price you're asking would be Chelsea, Arsenal and Man City. Man City might decide they couldn't attract a player of his quality to the club and look elsewhere. In my games it certainly appears they focus on midfield and defence for their big-money buys.

I've found it easier to sell most players, as long as you're realistic. I think the problem is also you're trying to sell players who have only just arrived at the club, which makes them more difficult to sell. Wait a year and it should be easier.

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Why are people talking about Eto like he is Messi. About 10 clubs could afford Eto without any problem. I had 18 mil. € at the start and i bought player for more then 100 maybe nearer to 150 mil. €, and didn't even played my first match in primera. What is your point? That Chelsea, Milan, Manchester/City, Juventus, Inter, Valencia, Liverpool and about 10 other clubs cant afford a player that costs about 35 mil. € If you didn't know in real football transfers are payed out in 1-2-3 years time, so most of the top clubs have much more money then it takes to get Eto. And the wages is a joke too. Look how much is Newcastle paying Owen, or some other mid table prem clubs their players.

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Secer Babo

Why do you want to sell Etoo. Because you want younger and better strikers and want to sell him so that you can fund your own transfer. The other clubs also think the same way. If they had that amount of money which you are demanding for Etoo they would go and buy someone younger. Also as the real life transfers are already incorporated the clubs do not have that kind of money to splash that they would have had at the starting of the transfer window.

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Why are people talking about Eto like he is Messi. About 10 clubs could afford Eto without any problem. I had 18 mil. € at the start and i bought player for more then 100 maybe nearer to 150 mil. €' date=' and didn't even played my first match in primera. What is your point? That Chelsea, Milan, Manchester/City, Juventus, Inter, Valencia, Liverpool and about 10 other clubs cant afford a player that costs about 35 mil. € If you didn't know in real football transfers are payed out in 1-2-3 years time, so most of the top clubs have much more money then it takes to get Eto. And the wages is a joke too. Look how much is Newcastle paying Owen, or some other mid table prem clubs their players.[/quote']

The point I was making is that there are actualy very few clubs that start with a transfer budget big enough to afford Eto'o. Juventus and Liverpool don't, and I don't think Valencia do either. Inter can't afford him at the money you want and why would they sign him when they have Ibrahimovic with Balotelli coming through the ranks as well? Like I said before, Eto'o is a luxury most teams cannot afford with the budgets they start with in this game. I think unless Man City want him you'll find it hard to sell him in the first year. Wait a season and you might find more clubs become interested as their situations change.

Soli also makes a good point. You want to sell Eto'o to sign a better, younger replacement? Everyone else wants to do the same. Given a choice between Aguero or Eto'o I'd sign Aguero, and the computer teams would too, I suspect.

You may also find many clubs won't bid because they don't think they can persuade him to join them. Barca are a Champions League club and he's one of their top earners. That puts Eto'o out of reach of all but the biggest clubs and as I've already pointed out, an expensive striker won't be a priority for most of them.

At Boro I had no problem selling most of my unwanted players, but there were a couple of difficult ones. It happens. In theory every player should be useful to another club somewhere in the world and FM09 has made it easier to sell. But there will still be times you can't get anyone interested whether you're selling a big player for big money or offloading a reserve player for £100k.

Also, the high wages to players like Owen actually a big problem for some teams. Even before their owner lost a huge amount of money in the Iceland recession they had financial trouble because of huge wage bills. Just because some teams can pay a lot of wages to some players, it doesn't mean they will continue to do so.

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Sold Joe Cole for £19million to City, Hilario £3million to City, Mikel £24million to City, Bridge £8million to City!

so good that City are so rich haha!! they finished 3rd after my first season! I finished top (Chelsea, Blackburn 2nd, City 3rd, United 4th, Arsenal 5th... Liverpool 14th)!!

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I haven't found it too hard to sell players on this game, stripped a lot of dead weight from my stoke city side, getting a total transfer income of 5m for players I wouldn't be using, transfer list them, then a couple of days later offer them out a bit below their value - seems to work perfectly for me.

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Sold Joe Cole for £19million to City, Hilario £3million to City, Mikel £24million to City, Bridge £8million to City!

so good that City are so rich haha!!

This looks about right.

You are all getting too concentrated on Eto. In real football he would be sold in a minute for more then 30 mil. € I have the same problem with Hleb, Keita, Pique. Offering them for half their value and cant get a transfer offer. I get tons of loan offers, but i want to sell.

The only good transfer i had was Marques to R. Madrid for 45 mil. € I'm very happy with that, but cant figure out why i'm getting only loan offers for other players. But i guess i will eventualy sell them.

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Most of the players that you have listed have just joined Barcelona, and in FM09 its very hard to sell palyers in the first season at club just as in real life. Just because you are having problems selling a few palyers doesn't mean the transfer system sucks.

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Most of the players that you have listed have just joined Barcelona, and in FM09 its very hard to sell palyers in the first season at club just as in real life. Just because you are having problems selling a few palyers doesn't mean the transfer system sucks.

Where did i say that the transfer system sucks? It's not hard to sell players if they just joined the club, if they dont mind. Mine dont mind. So why would it be hard? I have a couple younger players that dont wont to leave the club, and i cant get any offers for them. That's ok. I Dont mind that, but these couple player dont mind if they are sold.

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Šećer Babo

When you started your game did you tick "enable transfer budgets" it's called something like this anyway. If so that affects how much clubs have to spend, because they'll be more restricted because they have real life budget that reflect how many new players they brought in at the end of last season beginning of this one IRL.

Also, are you still playing Eto’o? It’s more likely he will get transfer options if he is playing and scoring/performing well etc.

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This looks about right.

You are all getting too concentrated on Eto. In real football he would be sold in a minute for more then 30 mil. € I have the same problem with Hleb' date=' Keita, Pique. Offering them for half their value and cant get a transfer offer. I get tons of loan offers, but i want to sell.

The only good transfer i had was Marques to R. Madrid for 45 mil. € I'm very happy with that, but cant figure out why i'm getting only loan offers for other players. But i guess i will eventualy sell them.[/quote']

In real football, he couldn't be sold despite Barcelona looking to sell him!

In everybody's eyes at that time, he was a prima donna who cost alot of money and took up alot of wages.

Yes, he is world class, but will clubs dare to take the gamble?

For all we know, he might turn out to be a flop.

Because of this, no clubs are willing to take the gamble and thus would rather loan your players. If they perform well, they will buy them. If not, back to your club they go.

Its really is very similar to real life. Amir Zaki was an unknown when Wigan took him on loan. Nicolas Anelka was such a troublemaker that Liverpool only took him on loan.

So what if you are selling them for half price? It might not be the price that other clubs value him.

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Šećer Babo

When you started your game did you tick "enable transfer budgets" it's called something like this anyway. If so that affects how much clubs have to spend, because they'll be more restricted because they have real life budget that reflect how many new players they brought in at the end of last season beginning of this one IRL.

Also, are you still playing Eto’o? It’s more likely he will get transfer options if he is playing and scoring/performing well etc.

Yes i did, ang got 18 mil. € for transfers.

I sold Eto for 27.5 mil. € His value was 36 mil. € That was the only transfer offer for him. I got a lot of loan offers for him, like for all the other players, but i dont want to loan them. I even selected the option to refuse all loan offers for all players i'm selling, but still getting only loan offers when offering the player for transfer.

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please spare me of your views. You are talking about one of the best strikers in the game. In real life he would get at least 5 offers from clubs, and no one would eve dare to try to get that kind of player on loan. When did you last time see that player of this caliber goes on loan. Please if you dont have anything, just dont write. Taking up space and time.

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@lyw_85' date='

please spare me of your views. You are talking about one of the best strikers in the game. In real life he would get at least 5 offers from clubs, and no one would eve dare to try to get that kind of player on loan. When did you last time see that player of this caliber goes on loan. Please if you dont have anything, just dont write. Taking up space and time.[/quote']

You do know that Barca tried to sell him last summer? It would appear that a combination of high transfer fee, very high wages and his general attitude prevented any club bidding for him. So it seems fairly realistic that you've struggled to sell him.

Also, if you transfer list a player you probably shouldn't expect to sell him for any more than his current value. Most clubs would expect to pay less than his value for a transfer listed player. My biggest sales have all been for players who weren't on the transfer list at the time.

As for when the last time was I saw a player of that calibre go on loan? Tevez at Man Utd.

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Šećer Babo: You said you had a bid of £27 million for Eto'o, but you wanted £36m. The beauty of the game is that you can't always get the value you hope for and may have to play some games, create a couple of rumours to get a decent price. In real life it was well reported that Eto'o was available early this summer but nobody was prepared to bid over £25 million, so I'd say you did fairly well to get £27 million!

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Šećer Babo: You said you had a bid of £27 million for Eto'o, but you wanted £36m. The beauty of the game is that you can't always get the value you hope for and may have to play some games, create a couple of rumours to get a decent price. In real life it was well reported that Eto'o was available early this summer but nobody was prepared to bid over £25 million, so I'd say you did fairly well to get £27 million!

No i dindn't. I said that the value of Eto is 36 mil. €, and the only offer beside all loan offers i got was from Chelsea of 27.5 mil. €

If what you are saying is right, then his value wouldn't be 36 mil. € as it is in the game. I would think if a players walue is 36 and he is in his prime that you should get offers of at least 36, but i got only 1 of 27.5.

This is Eto. What about Keita? Are you all right about him too? His value is about 14 or 16 and i cant get a offer of 7-8 mil. € How do you explain that?

The same with Hleb. Trying to sell him for half his value and not one transfer offer, but hundreds of loan offers.

Something's not right.

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Keita and Hleb just joined and they might not be in good form. 10 good games in a close run for each of those players (not hard with Hleb as he can assist a LOT) and watch their values jump and clubs start being interested.

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No i dindn't. I said that the value of Eto is 36 mil. €' date=' and the only offer beside all loan offers i got was from Chelsea of 27.5 mil. €

If what you are saying is right, then his value wouldn't be 36 mil. € as it is in the game. I would think if a players walue is 36 and he is in his prime that you should get offers of at least 36, but i got only 1 of 27.5.

This is Eto. What about Keita? Are you all right about him too? His value is about 14 or 16 and i cant get a offer of 7-8 mil. € How do you explain that?

The same with Hleb. Trying to sell him for half his value and not one transfer offer, but hundreds of loan offers.

Something's not right.[/quote']

I'll agree it sounds like a bit odd regarding Hleb and Keita, but they *have* just signed for Barcelona, and I'm sure that might have something to do with this. If you're convinced this is a bug perhaps you should post it in the Bugs forum? That way it should get looked at by the tech guys.

Personally, As far as Eto'o goes, I'd say that sometimes you just can't get offers of what a players worth, even for bigger players. Tottenham spent 18 months not getting offers matching their valuation of Berbatov, Aston Villa still haven't received an 'acceptable' offer for Gareth Barry. If the selling club is keen to sell I would think it's legitimate for teams to bid low? I know I do when trying to buy transfer listed players!

If Eto'o is as good as you say, maybe you should work him in to your team?

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Keita and Hleb just joined and they might not be in good form. 10 good games in a close run for each of those players (not hard with Hleb as he can assist a LOT) and watch their values jump and clubs start being interested.

This could be right, but id doesn't sound realistic to me. If barca would want to sell Hleb for half his walue there would be atleast 20 clubs that would want to buy him. The same is with Keita. I dont mind having them, it's just that i want to buy some younger players before they sign new contracts and their value goes up. In fm08 and before i would always join a club, sell all deadbeats, and buy the guys i want. I will do the sam now, but it's a bit harder. Maybe it's better like this. It's not so simple.

I'll agree it sounds like a bit odd regarding Hleb and Keita, but they *have* just signed for Barcelona, and I'm sure that might have something to do with this. If you're convinced this is a bug perhaps you should post it in the Bugs forum? That way it should get looked at by the tech guys.

I dont think it's a bug, because other people dont have the sam thing. Maybe it's just on my game, bad install or something.

Personally, As far as Eto'o goes, I'd say that sometimes you just can't get offers of what a players worth, even for bigger players. Tottenham spent 18 months not getting offers matching their valuation of Berbatov, Aston Villa still haven't received an 'acceptable' offer for Gareth Barry. If the selling club is keen to sell I would think it's legitimate for teams to bid low? I know I do when trying to buy transfer listed players!

If Eto'o is as good as you say, maybe you should work him in to your team?

I already sold him. I needed the money, but if i had left him for 1 season I would probably got more for him. On the other side i have all the players i bought with this money, so it's not realy bad no mater how i look at it.

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