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URGENT : RANDOM UNKNOWN Critical BUG when using Huawei MediaPad M5 8.4" Android EMUi 9.1.0 PiE, resulting in 100% Complete Loss of Career Progress of 11+ years, including; Store Transactions, Achievements, Unlockables, History, Etc

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Hi there,

Today I discovered some very, very very, bad news when I launched FMM2019. EVERYTHING was GONE! Including; 11+ years Career, Unlockables, Store Transactions, Achievements, History Etc.


Instead I was presented with the Privacy Policies Disclaimer Notification Window.


I thought to myself Aah Haa; DO NOT FEAR my BUGGED Game SAVE will SAVE me YeeeeHaaarh. I found my post titled "is it his Twin or is it a BuG?" Downloaded my Game Save. Unzipped it using "zArchive", I then used "File Commander" to Navigate to the game Save Directory/Path : ("Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2019 Mobile/normal/games") I Copied over my GameSave File and all appeared to be ok.


I opened up the game again after closing the tool apps I had open. I loaded up the game and loaded my 11+ yr game save and all loaded successfully. When I orginally created my other post ("Is it his Twin or is it a BuG") I had lost roughly the progress of 16+ games and that I can live with as it was only a few premiership matches and some UCL knockout matches and a carabo cup match so no major biggie there.


My major CONCERN is LOOSING ALL of the OTHER stuff including; Game Achievements, Unlockables, Store Transactions, History, etc.





I have tried to visit the Store section within the FMM2019 game and Selected the ("Restore Transactions") but it had no affect. I closed down the game and re-opened it to see if that would have any affect but again no change. I then powered OFF my deviced and turned it back ON and loaded up the game Loaded up my GameSave checked Achievements and still on ZERO!.

EDIT: This has now changed to ONE as I linked my Social Media Twitter Account.

I choose NOT to link my account previously because I was NOT too keen on the idea of revealing my TRUE real name identity linked to internet Pseudo name. This ultimately down to the FACT that is has become ever so increasing in the rate of victims being DOXED.

Just over a decade ago my parents fell victim to a string of credit card fraud from an address in Northamptonshire believed to be of foreign origin nationals. Fortunately after numerous meetings with their local bank manager and credit card issuing authority and with the aid of the police and their insurance company they was able to recoup most of their savings back.

However they did loose some money as the fraudsters had also taken out support and care policies and unfortunately due to a loophole in the system they was sadly unable to recoup back the money from these policies. Sad story but true. With NO ingame Option to CHANGE your Displayed name you can kind of understand why I was NOT keen on linking the game to my internet gaming twitter linked to my pseudo name VastGsm. Doxing on the otherhand can help aid to obtaining details to commit fraud. Since the incident we have tried to be more caucious with our personal details. Anyway enough of that, back to the problem!

I then Checked the Store from within the game options but again no it had affect, I then clicked on the ("Restore Transactions") Button as per post found in your FAQ sub-forum at the bottom of the Screen, unfortunately it too had no affect even after closing the game and reopening after powering down the tablet and powering on again, still it had no affect.

I did some research on Google and YouTube and discovered some other people have also experienced the same issue and similar issues. I discovered a 3rd party unofficial method that may possibly work using means of emulation and other 3rd party tools; I honestly would much rather prefer NOT go down this route if I can avoid it.

I would feel CHEATED by the game if I had lost all of my LOCAL SAVED CACHED progress especially the HARD EARNED in game Achievements as I feel without these it will have detrimental negative affect on my 11+ yrs GameSave, taking into account like private investment cash boost, sugar daddy, wheeler dealer, are to name but a few. 


I honestly don't think as an "End User" that we should have to manually use 3rd party tools/apps to to Backup data files or folders across a multitude of directory's or paths.

Manually backing up a GameSave I am absolutely fine with, even if the FMM2019 Game had Cloud support on Android which unfortunately it doesn't I would still Manually backup my GameSave Data onto Cold Storage like a USB Flash Stick too as it is BEST Practice in all fairness. If the Achievements and Unlockables and Store Transactions are Saved in different files across a multitude of different directory's or paths then it would not be right or fair for the user to backup these files also, especially IF 

(A.) They don't have a bl**dy clue where the data is saved or stored.

(B.) Its NOT even documented on the Forum's to my knowledge to even backup the data saved or stored that contains the GameSave data for Achievements, Store Transactions, Unlockables. If that was the case and it is documented somewhere embeded deep with the forums complexity then MORE FOOL ME and its my own stupid fault for not finding it sooner because I most probably would of backed that up also.

Its taken me a quiet sometime to compose this forum post in between the interuptions from my kids and getting them ready for school. so I'm going to save it here before I loose the progress of the IMPORTANT post. I will ADD the images and screenshots throughout the duration day as of to when I get a free moment here and there to try and help illustrate my issue(s) alight.




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That's a long post right there! 

Curious, do you have any "device cleaner" app of some sort installed? Knowing Huawei they are quite heavy on the battery saving, device optimizing features, could it be an app wiped your files accidentally? 

Edited by Footix
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Achievements and unlockables are held in the game.cfg file and if you back up and restore that in future then it will protect against device clearers etc. deleting your unlocked items. If you purchased any items obviously 'restoration' will restore them.

I'm glad you appear to have retained your save games and if as you've indicated they are several years into the game it is likely you'll find quite a few of the unlocked items will automatically unlock quickly because of your in-game situation which might be some consolation to you.

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As Footix has mentioned, the usual cause of this is cleaning apps. It has also been seen if a user originally saves on SD card and the OS loses connection to the SD card for some reason (do you have an external SD?)

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Hey Guys,

Thank you ALL for your replies Today, I am most grateful. Again, sorry for the long detailed post but I tried to be as thorough as I could. I freely admit I may of waffled for a short minimal duration of time on said subject. Ok, You win, I did waffle for a long extended duration of time then, lol. Congratulations though if you made it through to the end of my starting post then fairplay and congratulations. 

@Footix @Alari Naylor

After a much deeper look at the Huawei Tablet I discovered that it had some system apps installed by default. Tablet Manager by 360° Security Systems that was installed from the latest Huawei 9.1.0 PiE update I did a few weeks ago. I checked the system apps configuration settings and noticed that settings all seemed to be ok, no autostart or anything scheduled like that.



I believe I have an Huawei O.E.M modified version of this app installed by default as part of the Huawei image for the tablet.



@Marc Vaughan Thank-you for IDENTITYing a FUTURE solution that will prevent the issue from occuring again hear onwards. As in future again from hear onwards I will happily backup the suggested files in future moving forwards, that being said it does not resolve the issue alight though.

Ok, so we have a SOLUTION thanks to @Marc Vaughan that will RESTORE my Achievements & Unlockables. WE just need to replace my WIPED ("game.cfg") file with a file that has the Achievements & Unlockables that I had previously unlocked and prior to this sporadic issue.


I NEED a volunteer, that is ("KiND") enough to offer to UPLOAD or SEND me a copy of their ("game.cfg") file ZiPPED that has the Achievement & Unlockables earned and unlocked please as I had previous earned them and unlocked them fair and square. In return you can gracefully recruit me and I will happily and respond and reply and offer my assistance to help resolve all your many months of unanswered forum posts FREE of charge at no cost to you. 

I am in need of a copy of this file URGENTLY, is there ANYONE that is willing and KIND enough to offer to Upload or Send a copy of their game.cfg file PLEASE as I am led to believe that this will resolve my issue(s) with immediate positive affect. So COME ON people!.. What are ya waiting for, lets get cracking together!

IF this issue had happened after the release of FMM2020 then I would of bitten the bullet and PURCHASED the Achievements and Unlockables no questions asked.

But.. The new FMM2020 is estimated due to be released in LESS than 30 days from now, so investing in micro-store transactions does not seem like a viable wise investment, unless I was able to TRANSFER them to the new FMM2020 but I honestly don't think that is at all possible.

PLEASE be the ONE to save the day! On this ever so nerve racking penalty shootout. You will be forever remembered by ALL and from hear onwards known as "THE SPECIAL ONE" just like zee KLOPP.

Thank You,





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I did a search for game.cfg in the forums but unfortunately it did not yield any results using Chrome on my Tablet and I really cba to turn the laptop on to search for it as its late and I'm in bed and about to hit the hay.

Upon closer inspection of the game.cfg file inside a file viewer or text editor it appears parts may be encrypted.

IF I have no joy with obtaining a copy of the ("game.cfg") from another member of the community could I send you a copy of my ("game.cfg") file and you decrypt the file send it back to me I make my ammendments to the ("game.cfg") file then send it back to you, then you can review my changes and authorize the changes and encrypt the file and send it back to me and the issue is resolved.


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Using someone elses game.cfg won't work I'm afraid for rather sensible reasons - obviously you could cheat by taking one from the internet and avoid having to unlock things yourself so such files are 'locked' to a persons specific device (sorry).

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We'll have a look at this 360 Security app to see if this is the likely cause. Given that it says it has auto-cleaned 1.89GB I suspect it might be.

Can I check again whether you have both internal and external storage, or only one of them?

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1 hour ago, Marc Vaughan said:

Using someone elses game.cfg won't work I'm afraid for rather sensible reasons - obviously you could cheat by taking one from the internet and avoid having to unlock things yourself so such files are 'locked' to a persons specific device (sorry).

Danng it! - It was worth a try I guess! No harm in trying.

Thanks for letting us know :-)

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50 minutes ago, Alari Naylor said:

We'll have a look at this 360 Security app to see if this is the likely cause. Given that it says it has auto-cleaned 1.89GB I suspect it might be.

Can I check again whether you have both internal and external storage, or only one of them?

I am using internal and a SANDISK ULTRA 32GB memory card.

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On 08/10/2019 at 18:11, VastGsm said:

I am using internal and a SANDISK ULTRA 32GB memory card.

Sorry for the slow response here. Could you check both the internal and the external storage, and let us know what is located in the Documents/Sports Interactive folder for each, if there is such on each?

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