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Editor Functionality


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Currently when using the basic editor, when adding playoffs to a league, you have the option for a champions playoff, a promotion playoff, and a relegation playoff. However, when you add a champions playoff, the editor prevents you from also adding a separate promotion playoff in the same league. Similarly, if you add a promotion playoff, the editor prevents you from also adding a separate champions playoff in the same league.

I think it would be great if we could add both types of playoff to a league in the basic editor. For instance, I want to create a league with two groups of teams. The winner of each group is automatically promoted and also plays in a champions playoff to determine the overall champion. Then, the second placed team in each group plays in a promotion playoff to determine the third and final team that is promoted.

I'm sure it is possible to make this in the advanced editor, but the basic editor is much simpler to use so it would be great if you could implement this.


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