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Is there a "ruin your rival" challenge?

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I know it is petty, but having plaid fm games for over a decade, I started looking for other in-game challenges and settled on how much I could ruin one of the big premiership teams.

I won't name the team I chose, but I fired up an older version of the game, created a second manager and set about doing as much damage as possible.

So far, I am 3 managers in (for some reason, continually loosing matches and haemorrhaging money keeps getting me sacked!), and I have taken a former premier league winner down to the Championship with a wage bill 4.5 times higher than the highest premiership team, debts of £250 mill, and they are currently losing £50mill per month.

The board have just stepped in to terminate some of the larger contracts, so I am not sure how low I can take them before the board take total control.

Has anyone else tried something similar?

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This is interesting, I've considered trying something similar but more to see how bad I could make a big team without getting sacked.. see if I could slowly lower the targets set. I've never tried relentlessly destroying them! 

Sounds like fun, but I imagine the novelty wears off after a short while. 



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8 minutes ago, Joe. said:

This is interesting, I've considered trying something similar but more to see how bad I could make a big team without getting sacked


This is exactly how I started.


And when I eventually got sacked, I had already started down that road and wanted to see how far I could take it.

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When I saw the thread title, I thought this might be something I've been thinking about. I think it would be interesting to pick a manager you don't like and try to get them sacked wherever they go. You could add to this by buying their good players or unsettling them, winding up the manager in press conferences, etc. 

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