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Twitter updates no longer working

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All of a sudden, I can’t link to my Twitter account in the social networking section, see attached.

When I click on ‘log in to Twitter’, the text colour changes but nothing happens.

Not had this problem before and I quite enjoy posting updates on Twitter, so anyone got any ideas about how to fix this?




Edited by WoodyCAFC
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7 hours ago, Alari Naylor said:

Any change today? cheers

Hi Alari,

Thanks for getting back to me, I just checked and it’s still the same , so no change unfortunately.

I’ve also just noticed that the Twitter option in game status isn’t there now either ~ see attached.

any ideas about what I could do?



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1 hour ago, Alari Naylor said:

Try again now, any change?

Just tried, no change so still not working unfortunately ☹️

Any settings I can tweak or anything else that might help?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Alari, any updates to this at all?

i know you’re probably focused on fmm20, but I’m thinking there’s a chance my Twitter updates might not work with that either?

do you think it’d be worth trying a reset on my iPad? Would I lose my saves if I did that? (Can’t use the cloud for this as it’s full and has been for ages!)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, thanks for getting back to me.

It’s iPad OS 13.1.3.

Could there be something in my iPad settings that I need to tweak maybe?

Edited by WoodyCAFC
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On 27/02/2020 at 14:55, Angelos Antoniades said:

Hi, this should be fixed in the latest version of the game (11.2.1).

All good now, thank you for fixing it!

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