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Analysis tool

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Hello everybody,

I have been playing FM for about 2 or 3 years, but there is something that I still never learned and that is to use the analysis tool for your own team and also you upcoming opponent.
I've seen many use it to improve their tactic and also use the data analysis to set up their tactic against the upcoming opponent. 
So is it possible for anyone to link a good guide for these things or give your own answers and how you use it? 

Because I still haven't figured it out :/

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I mostly use it to analyse the quality of shots. I want to know whether my team is creating quality opportunities in front of goal and whether we're denying the opposition well enough.


Here you can see the areas from which shots are most likely to be scored. If I see that my team is consistently shooting from the central area of the six-yard box, I know that tactically we're good enough (shots coming from open play, I exclude set pieces). Or if I see that we're allowing the opposition shots from that area, I look into how I could improve my defence, regardless of the actual result of that match. Keeping a clean sheet means very little to me if my keeper had to pull off amazing saves or if the opposition just wasn't clinical enough on the day. Likewise, if we're shooting from good areas, goals will come eventually.

Another thing you can look for are Key Passes. If you see that the opposition is pulling most of these off from one area of the pitch, perhaps that's the area you need to look to improve.


Here's an example of my team exploiting Wrexham's narrow formation. You can see that everything's going down one flank, my Winger could consistently provide dangerous passes and crosses. If I saw that happening in the other direction at half-time, for example, I'd know that unless I reinforce that flank somehow, it will cost us eventually.

Or if you're more interested in analysing individuals, you could look into things like Touches or Passes Received. These could tell you whether your striker is getting isolated, for example. Or things like Lost Possession and Mistakes, where you can rewatch the highlights. Did your midfielder waste possession because he made a poor decision or because he did not have any better option available?

I guess it depends on what you're looking for, but these are usually some general areas that I look into.

Edited by Zemahh
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