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Improve director of football


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I've been extensively playing with a director of football model, letting the DOF do as much of my transfer business as possible. I've been hugely impressed with the way this works. DOF seems to recognize the positions needing reinforcements and finds very suitable players, ones that i would most likely never find by myself. He also gets good prices on the players. There's few problems though, fixing these would make the whole experience alot better;

DOF doesn't scout the players. Out of nowhere he just bids on players he haven't scouted at all. With attribute masking this leaves you quessing whether to allow the transfer to go through or not. Most of the time these players are really good and often real hidden gems, the DOF just seems to find them through some invisible AI scouting network, not the one you as a player use.

DOF can't really negotiate contracts. He always seems to bid minimum wage possible and not budge no matter what. I don't think i've ever seen him actually signing a dude because the contract is always rejected. This forces me to take control of the contracct negotiations. Weirdest thing is this doesn't seem to affect AI managers overall, they get the contracts through just fine. DOF doesn't though.

These 2 things feel very gamey and bugged and they shouldn't be hard to fix. Otherwise the DOF has really surprised me, especially when it comes to the quality of players he finds.


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