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[Discussion] Player/Club Charity


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In the game Out of the Park Baseball (a seriously amazing sports simulation that rivals FM in quality) there is a neat feature that I think could work well in FM with a little tweaking. In OOTP a player will sometimes come to you(General Manager) asking for your support with charity. You have the option to ignore, give a donation, or start a charity with the player(costs the most). If you choose to help it will increase the players loyalty, as well as his local popularity. I pictured what the inbox message looks like in the game.

So, how could this work in FM? In my head, it would make more sense with the game if this was a passive feature. That is to say, you as a manager have no control over it because it makes more sense for the board to take on something like this themselves. And while I love to have as much control as possible in these games, in FM I think it would work better if it was totally a board/player decision. I imagine a player who has played at the club a long time(say 5 or more years?) has the chance to announce a new charity effort with the team. Perhaps this would raise morale of the player or maybe even everyone in his social group? I imagine it would boost the players reputation with the club, and perhaps even a small spike in ticket sales for a short time.

Most importantly, I think this small feature would really help with the immersion aspect of the game, which FM has been great at. I know in OOTP they have lots of little stories like these with players, and it just makes the players come to life a little more. They seem more like real people rather than a bunch of stats. I think it would be great for the game and it seems to me to be relatively easy too implement(maybe not as I know nothing about developing a game). Tell what you all think of the idea, maybe some suggestions on how it could work in FM?


Edited by TheLochWesMonster
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