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How can I reassign my team's Code of Conduct after I've missed it at the first place?


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I really like this new feature, but while I was busy about reorganizing the whole team's staff members, somehow, I've missed the chance to set my team's Code of Conduct when the game asked me to (about June, 25th). Not sure that I skipped it myself or the game pass through it  when I press continue button.


Right now (July, 20th about 1month later), I really can't find the way to reassign The Code of Conduct while my game's "Dynamic/Code of Conduct" screen is still showing "No Code of Conduct has been agreed yet".

Could anyone please help me find the way to fix this, Thank you in advance.



P.S.1 I'm not sure this is the right place for asking this kind of question, please forgive me if it's the wrong place to post.

P.S.2 If I add myself again as another new human manager (and resign the previous one), perhaps, the team's captain may provide me again, the chance of settling the Code of Conduct. But in that way, I have to reassign the whole Staffs' Responsibilities in turn, which will cost me more hurt --". So I'm trying to figure out any better way as possible.


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12 hours ago, metallimuse said:

Yeah I had an issue trying to figure out how to change it once it's been set as a player grumbled a punishment was too lenient, couldn't figure out how to change it though.

Thanks for joining my post. I'm still waiting for anyone could help. Meanwhile, I've also found what FM2020 quoted about this new feature. It is " Your captain will now suggest a code of conduct when you join a new club". Not sure that it is one time (only) promise, or just like Team Mission which can be reset annually.

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Further... Starting the whole new save game, I've just found that.... if I fire most of my staffs in the first day of my carrier, there will be no Code of Conduct proposal providing 
to me to decide !!!. That's why I never notice the Code of Conduct proposal from any of my team representatives (team captain or assistant manager) until now !!!


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  • 3 weeks later...

I still didnt have the option going into my second season with a new club.

I started at Carlisle and stayed there for 2 seasons getting them two promotions and then Newcastle offered me a job which I took and the CoC was a great feature. I never had the option (or I missed it) when I joined Newcastle and I didn't have the option in my second season. It would certainly be nice to have the ability to change it within Squad Dynamics screen because the amount of unhappy players i've had for fining them is getting a bit silly now.

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On 01/12/2019 at 20:43, ScottLow89 said:

I still didnt have the option going into my second season with a new club.

I started at Carlisle and stayed there for 2 seasons getting them two promotions and then Newcastle offered me a job which I took and the CoC was a great feature. I never had the option (or I missed it) when I joined Newcastle and I didn't have the option in my second season. It would certainly be nice to have the ability to change it within Squad Dynamics screen because the amount of unhappy players i've had for fining them is getting a bit silly now.

..just to imform that I managed Newcastle club as well, but I really have the chance to reset CoC at the beginning of my 2nd season with them. While I add new human manager to test my tactics, managing Man City, and they also offer me to decide the CoC  right from the start.

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  • 6 months later...
2 hours ago, Deisler26 said:

I've not had a chance to set one since I joined the club, 4 seasons ago

I had it only in the first season at my current club. Now I'm in 4th season and there are some other annoying little bugs like last season I had a team meeting about team expectations in the middle of the season instead at the beginning. Also when I extend or sign contracts and chose end of the current season the date is actually in the middle of the season. This is all happening in Romanian league, when I was in Sweden everything was fine.

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  • 7 months later...

I think this is a bug?
After getting hired to a second club in the same save, the code of conduct have been gone. It says "no code of conduct have been agreed" for two seasons. There seem to be no way to set it in between seasons or in pre-season.

I tested creating a second manager and joined another club. "no code of conduct have been agreed"

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