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Feature Requests / Suggested Improvements

Mexican Sky Blue

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Feature Requests and Suggested Improvements:

- Far too many players on FM20 seem to have very low deterimation levels. This is unrealistic and needs to be addressed.

- Technical attributes for youth team players are generally far too low. In real life a players technical attributes rarely fluctuate after age 18 but their physical and mental attributes change significantly. This should be adequately reflected in FM20 with youth players technical attributes upgraded and more realistic;

- I hope that SI Games can incorporate the use of software such as Prozone, Opta, Wyscout and Scout 7 etc to get a more accurate reflection of players attributes (especially youth players) and that youth players attributes will be more accurate in future with generally higher technical attributes and lower mental and physical stats that will improve with age and experience.

- Instead of training for months to add or remove preferred moves, I think that it would be better if managers were able to give individual instructions such as run with the ball often or shoot from distance etc.

- In general some of the attributes for EFL players are very low, in particular for technique, first touch, decisions and determination. In real life, if players in League 1 and League 2 had a rating for these attributes of less than 6, they would likely not be playing for clubs in the EFL and would be at a lower level;

- There should be more hidden gems in non-league and more non league players on FM20 that are capable of playing at a higher level and with higher potential ratings;

- Senior players should be more consistent, whereas young players should generally be more inconsistent;

- Players should respond much quicker to being trained in a new position and role, especially younger players.

- Certain players should be more consistent when playing at home and more inconsistent when playing away (like in real life)

- Young players (U21) attributes (mental and physical) should improve after 10,20,30 games in the first team and when playing at a higher level and when being loaned out. They should also become more consistent with experience

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