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I posted features before playing Beta- but now changed my mind


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I had wrote a long list of features, but now after playing the BETA .. I changed my mind.. seriously .. the game is unbalanced .. don't waste time creating new features when main feature is improving in a turtle pace ..
while game is getting in depth in every sector, the Match AI is left for 1 or 2 coder to solve ... 
pls invest more on Match AI coders .. what is the point of all this depth, when at end your players on pitch do crazy decisions,.. what is point of having someone with 20 in finishing and composure and good form and he only score 1 out of 10 one on ones !! 
SI is like a car manufacturer . who gone into too much detail to every single part except car engine ... so car is not moving !! what is point of adding new features to car when is not moving
I know sometimes when u change AI, you can have more goals or less but solution is not to cut on chance conversions .. 
I used to be a beta tester for FIFA Manager, and had exact conversation with their Gerald, and warned him the game will not last if he kept focusing on adding new features instead of improving Match AI .. no wonder their game a couple of years later .. SI is now facing same challenge ,  I care less about match graphic at this stage .. but just have a look at reviews in Steam, you will see 100% of negative replies was related to Match AI. 

the outcome of all work we do using all your features, will be judged on match AI and results at end.. if that is unrealistic , then what is the point of all that depth when match AI is just so shallow and random and throttled to keep scoreline realstic in expense of players doing better choices in reflection of their skills.

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7 hours ago, FrazT said:

This should be posted in the Feedback thread and not in here-just out of interest, how did you get your knowledge about the numbers of staff that SI have working on the ME?

is just a guess based on some experience I had with FIFA Manager when was a beta tester .. I warned Gerlad the head of developing team of FIFAMANAGER and when he didn't listen, I stopped playing bcz I knew the game will die soon ... . Sadly SI repeating same mistake as they kept trying to add more features instead of fixing main issue which is Match AI. bcz simply adding new feature is simpler than fixing a complicated MATCH AI structure. 
and I disagree.. I think this is right place though to post it .. because adding more features is now become useless when  the  MATCH AI is progressing is really slowly compared to the depth of other features .. honestly what is point of scouting best player , train him, finding right position, when in Match he is just useless due to MATCH AI full of flaws ..as I said FM now is like now a full detailed car which simply don't move properly !! what is the point?

if SI is hiring more than 1-2 to do MATCH AI coding, then sorry the improvement is so little they need to be replaced.
what is needed is :
1. 2 people (preferably with playing football experience) with jobs simply  spot all wrong decisions made by players during match and what is supposed to happen and other options they could had done
2. 2 people with coding experience who try to translate that into an AI structure of decisions ..they will work out the concept of AI 
3. 1-2 coder who will try to implement it 

what SI is doing , is they try to implement new improvement  in AI, which is creating some problems (they always do) resulting more scores or less ..etc. so easy option is to cut chance conversions % then that have negative influence elsewhere, so they patch it with reducing or increasing something else,  by end the match AI will be full of patched up works like a wall with 1000s of patches trying to cover the holes .. 
  the mistake happen bcz the AI decision of structure is wrong .. the solution is never to play with values of chance conversion % or cross successes % ...etc. that is patch up works and will only result a match full of flaws ....

am sorry but all depth in game is ruined by a Match AI which is  simply make all work u do prior to that a useless exercise..
trust me is not easy to deal with Match or find right person who can do it.. but the one who are responsible to do them now they are not doing a good job.. may be there is a lack of structure or coders do all 3 phases I mentioned so they are not helped by SI. 

there is a reason why people still prefer to play 2D over 3D .. is bcz 3d Shows more and expose match AI flaws more.  

Edited by shwanko
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vor 7 Minuten schrieb shwanko:

1. 2 people (preferably with playing football experience) with jobs simply  spot all wrong decisions made by players during match and what is supposed to happen and other options they could had done

Wrong decisions are part of every football match and therefore should be part of the ME. It's sometimes very frustrating for managers to watch their own footballers. And they can't blame coders for it.

If you think a perfect ME would show a perfect transition from theory in praxis on the pitch, then you are fundamentally wrong.

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So, you are wildly guessing how many coders SI have, telling them that they need to be replaced and writing the job description for them?

By all means raise your criticisms ( but not in this forum) but this goes past criticism into disrespect and has no place here.  This thread will now be closed.

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