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[Suggestion] More in depth player interactions


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I'll use this thread as a compendium of sorts of various suggestions/gripes/requests that have been raised elsewhere, by myself and others.
I also previously posted this suggestion which could tie into expanded interactions: 


  • Interactions with players are too limited and lack nuance. You can't tell them "You were great at X, Y and Z last match but I was disappointed with your A, B, and C" or "In the last match, you improved on X from previous games, but I still need to see you do even better"
  • Many times a player has made a large number of mistakes during a game, or lost possession/missed interceptions often, and there is no option to criticise a player for that.
  • If a full-back has poor pass completion rate, criticising them for that will all too often lead to a response of something along the lines of "That's unfair, I'm a defender, not a midfielder, you can't expect me to be a good passer". This response is illogical in the modern game as full-backs have become more attacking, playing higher up the pitch and over/underlapping wingers and attacking midfielders, with ability to pass a core tenet of the team's wide play as giving the ball away high up the pitch can lead to opposition counter-attacks. At the very least there should be an option to tell the player you expect their passing to improve without them becoming upset.
  • Likewise, (this is a holdover from FM19) you can't criticise a winger/full-back for poor cross completion, except if the player asks for a new contract and you tell them you want their crossing to improve before you offer a new deal.
  • You can't praise or criticise more than one thing in a conversation
  • The introduction of Code of Conduct in FM20 removed the ability to warn or fine a player for a poor performance (at least as far as I've been able to tell). It doesn't make sense to me to remove warnings for poor performance and I'd like to see them return to the game.
1 hour ago, martplfc1 said:

The pure arsey responses from some is completely unnecessary and, I would think, unrealistic.

For example, you can praise a player for being good in front of goal after scoring twice, and the conversation ends along the lines of: "I'd play alot better if you'd just let me get on with it". You're left feeling rage for just appreciating a player, given there's nothing you can do to respond further.

The player I'm referring to here is Mane btw - one of the best professionals at the club.

6 hours ago, Ras said:

While on that, a small thing but I think the player interaction as some mentioned at times can be improved, for instance praise, I think this should primarily help strengthen the bond between the player and coach and also improve morale, I think negative reactions to praise is unrealistic, praise or congratulations.  As others have said the worst that can happen should be that if you over praise the players constantly they become complacent in training or matches, but that should be only if it's overboard so people can't abuse it constantly for morale boosts.  I also think reactions in that should depend on the players personality's, a model pro for example would never slack on matter how much the manager praises them, somebody with an arrogance or that's lazy constantly getting praise, especially if it's not merited could get complacent.  There's a whole world to expand, great thing about the games, can keep growing and expanding constantly.

On 02/11/2019 at 18:54, xxnapoleonsolo said:

The press conference and media interaction side of the game needs an update badly.

As a journalist, I'm disappointed the Q&A format has not changed once again, with what you say not having too much weight on the game and some of the questions you're asked just not appropriate.
What I'd like to see as a starter is answer options with motive behind them.

So, for instance to every question you could have the suggested response from a press officer and then a series of other responses that will have different effects - put pressure on refs in an upcoming fixture, take the burden of a defeat from your players, push a club line over a change in the rules or fixture pile-up and so on.

That would add depth to this area of the game straight away.

Imagine if you gave an answer going against what the press officer told you to say, and were then hauled over the coals by the owners? Or your captain came into your office to thank you for taking the heat after a defeat?

On top of that, players also give interviews off their own bat. It'd be good to have a scenario where you have to deal with the fallout if they say something controversial.

Or you could give an in depth, one on one interview with a journalist? Or the mood of fans could change based on what is being reported after games? Or you could contact a journalist to complain about a story or angle they have taken, or refuse to speak to them because of their approach if you feel harshly treated?

All of these are things I have seen happen in real life and they'd definitely make this part of the game richer to play. Thoughts??


Edited by autohoratio
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