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Can’t continue

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Hi team,

I am experiencing the same issue as WilsonWilson.

I got to game date 9th July 2019 but  nothing happens when pressing ‘Continue’.

I can still go in to all other menus but can’t progress the game date.

my device is an iPhone XR.

i will try to locate my save file also as recommended above. Once located, where should I send it to?

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11 hours ago, Wilsonwilson said:

Managed to get to July 22nd and my game is now unplayable as the continue button just stops working. Hopefully this can be fixed and my game so far isn’t wasted time. 

Same on android. Finish making the game before you release it..

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Literally unplayable at the moment. Hopefully an update comes very soon. 

I do feel like every year it gets a rushed release that’s full of bugs and we (users) end up doing the testing while paying for the privilege. I want to give my money to this franchise but man, it’s frustrating. Especially when I can’t even play something I paid for and then invested some time getting started on, only to have no way of advancing the game. I know the team is doing what it can, just some feedback for next year - I’d rather it was released ready than rushed and a crappy experience.

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  • SI Staff

Hi - appreciate you are frustrated and I totally understand that if the game doesn't progress, it's one of the most annoying bugs for us too. We do have an example of this now and we are testing a fix, but it does need some testing.

In the couple of days after release, we've probably had thousands of times the person-hours of play as can be possible in testing, without seeing the numbers it's probably not easy to understand - but we will try to do what we can to be able to pick stuff like this up better in the future.

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Thanks for the reply Alari. I know you guys work hard on the game and hard on the fixes so I feel for you too. I pretty much buy the game every year on release day and it seems like I’d be better off waiting a month until the kinks get ironed out. But I also know how hard it is to test every little thing in a game this complex so I get it. And the eventual result is always a great product.

Thanks for looking into things and hope we see the fix soon as, in my save, I literally can’t even play it right now (not because there are things that irritate me to the point that I don’t want to play it, but because it won’t let me advance to the next day!).

Edited by sonnyjames
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