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Cannot make tactic screen kits appear


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I have posted again this issue but was moved to skinning hideout although I think is probably a bug, so I post again my problem hoping SI team will have look and give me some help.

No specific-id team kits are loaded in the tactic screen and the game always loads the default-generic kits.

I post the config codes

for default-generic kits :                 <record from="2" to="graphics/pictures/club/none/kits/back/outfield/home/same as front/kitstyle/2"/>   ,  working just fine

and for the team id specific kits (ex for arsenal home kit)  :              <record from="arsenal_h" to="graphics/pictures/club/602/kits/back/outfield/home/same as front/kitstyle/2"/>   doesn't work

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What I found out so far is that the game for some reason is loading the default back kit over the id ones.....   and not the oposite as it happens with 3d and front kits

Is there a way to find which files controls that and fix it?

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