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Lost Saved Game


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Hi, so right after installing, I played FM 20 Mobile for the first time. I just played a few mins to get the feel and see what are the differences with the previous versions. After advancing around a few days in the game timeline (until 12 July 2019), I saved the game manually at slot #1 and then exit the game.

A few hours later when I got more time, I came back to play, but I didn't see any saved game on Load Game menu. Since I hadn't done anything and not even had any match, I decided to simply ignore it and started another new game. I saved this second attempt at slot #1 too. This new game was fine, I was able to play until January 2020. I could save, exit, and load this game multiple times manually and the automatic save was working fine as well.

However, today after 2 days of playing, suddenly I didn't see my latest game (the one already on Jan 2020) anymore. Instead, when I went to Load Game right after launching the app, it only showed my manual save from my very 1st attempt at 12 July 2019 (which was missing previously so I had to start another new game), and an auto-save version dated 17 July 2019.

Where did my game which has advanced to January 2020 go? Is there any way to restore it back?

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