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Touch or Full

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Hi, I'm sure this has been discussed many times before but I'm relatively new to FM.

Fully intented to only play the Full version when purchasing but I'm considering this difficult if wanting a long lower league save.

Started a Liverpool save on Beta release date to familiarise myself with the game before my intented plan of a league 2 team save on full release. I have only yesterday been able to get through a full season (nearly 5 weeks). My concern is at that pace even if I got promoted every season (very unlikely) it would take 5 odd months to even make it to the prem let alone achieve great success.

Main question therefore having never played Touch, how much do you really lose out on and is it that much quicker considering I delegate training and pre match tactical meetings already on Full.


Edited by JD23
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43 minutes ago, JD23 said:

Hi, I'm sure this has been discussed many times before but I'm relatively new to FM.

Fully intented to only play the Full version when purchasing but I'm considering this difficult if wanting a long lower league save.

Started a Liverpool save on Beta release date to familiarise myself with the game before my intented plan of a league 2 team save on full release. I have only yesterday been able to get through a full season (nearly 5 weeks). My concern is at that pace even if I got promoted every season (very unlikely) it would take 5 odd months to even make it to the prem let alone achieve great success.

Main question therefore having never played Touch, how much do you really lose out on and is it that much quicker considering I delegate training and pre match tactical meetings already on Full.


Processing times in Touch are definitely miles better than the full game even with a decent sized database. I usually load up the major nations with an approximate player count of 50k and international breaks only take a couple of minutes to get through.

Training in Touch is definitely not as detailed and I've left it to my assistant in these last couple of versions and players have developed well. The good thing is that if you start playing, let's say, a center back at left back for a few games, your assistant will automatically change his individual training to familiarise the player with this position.

Staff is definitely far more simplified! You just have 6 staff positions to fill and they're in charge of their respective department. There are no scouting packages, you just give the assignments to your chief scout and he heads off looking for players.

Very little player interaction. It's limited to players asking for new deals, more game time, wants a move etc. Whereas in the full game, you might have to worry about upsetting your player dynamics, morale has pretty much no effect in FMT and you can ride out the storm if you so wish.

Similarly, there's no such thing as press conferences. You'll occasionally get a question from the press and you just have to pick an option and that's it!

Ultimately, only you can really decide whether the trade off for speed and simplicity is worth it. I'd recommend trying out a save with Liverpool or any other big team in FMT (loading a similar no. of leagues as you did in the full game) and gauging whether it's for you. 

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