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Overlaps without wingers?

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Hi All,

I was wondering if you would use the overlap instruction in wingerless formations?   i.e 5-3-2. I have noticed that the preset control possession tactic 5221 does not use exploit the middle and overlaps instructions. But rather leaving the empty.

Let me know your thoughts.

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The look for overlap instruction is designed to make your wingers hold up the ball to allow a fullback to overlap them.  Thus in formations that don't use wingers the instruction, on the face of it, is pointless.  That's why the presets don't use it.

However, technically speaking what the instruction also does is slightly increase the mentality of your fullbacks, even if you don't use wingers.  Thus some people do use this instruction in wingless formations to help nudge their fullbacks into more attacking positions if they feel the need to.  It's not really what the instruction is designed for but it can still help in certain situations.

If you do decide it's something you want to try, first make sure it's something you actually need.  Fullbacks can be pretty good at getting forward even without this instruction, so watch your player's behaviour before you make changes.

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3 hours ago, herne79 said:

some people do use this instruction in wingless formations to help nudge their fullbacks into more attacking positions if they feel the need to

Exactly what I occasionally do with my narrow 442 diamond when I want to encourage my RB to be a bit more attack-minded in providing support to our attacks from out wide :thup:

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Also I have found that using Overlap against a team that has high pressure and good marking / tackling doesn't work too well.  While your wingers hold up the ball, the opposition is putting on the pressure and can lead to interceptions, which leads to huge counter attacks.  I like using Underlap with shorter passing better, they pass around the ball until a player can get into a lane.  Works better IMO.

Edited by extremeskins04
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