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Help with training assignment

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Hi everyone,


I am having some difficulty to understand how the training assignment works. Since my board limits me quite a lot in regards to coaches I need to understand this part of my "job" very well.


You guys can see above I have multiple coaches spread across different "sub teams".


1 - Are my under 19 coaches / Under 23 / under 19b also coaching the main squad?

2 - Is the GK coach also coaching the under sub 19 teams?

3 - Are my other normal coaches coaching only the main squad or any other teams?

4 - Should i get normal coaches for the Under 19 and B squads?

5 - What about myself and my assistance manager are we coaching only the main squad or the under 19?


Once again appreciate your feedback guys, good games.

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My experience in the past is that my U23 coaches will also coach the first team, but my U19 coaches will only coach the U19s. I don't have an U23 team yet in FM20, so can't clarify this.

How have you gotten to that window? If you have gotten there via Training -> Coaches -> Edit Coach Assignments then it would suggest that all those coaches are coaching the first team squad. To assign training for other squads you will want to click on that squad and then open training on their window.

I don't understand why U19-B squad coaches would coach the first team. That sounds like a bug to me. I would be inclined to add that as a bug report in the Training Bug Forum. Are you in the Portuguese top league, or Brazil? I've not really managed either.

What teams do you actually have listed below Dev. Center? U23s, U19s and U19s-B?

Regarding coaches for other squads, you can fill roles yourself or you can have a Director Of Football do it. If you go to Staff -> Responsibilties you can see a number of tasks you can either do yourself or delegate to another member of your backroom team. Take Staff Responsibilities, for example. Here you can set a DoF to recruit staff for your U19s. I've used this option in FM20 and he's done okay at his job.


You can personally manage training for any squad that your team has, I believe. You can adjust what you are training on the training view for each squad. To set yourself as triner or not a trainer for other squads you need to go Staff -> Responsibilities -> Training.

I would suggest a few changes to your training coach responsibilities. Goalkeeper coaches are best training both shot stopping and handling for goalkeepers. You might want to look top right on the window you screenshotted and click "Ask Assistant to Assign". You can then tinker with his choices as you like, but it will give a good basic set up.

You can also put more than one coach on to any task, but Goalkeeping coaches can only coach goalkeeping and Fitness coaches can only coach fitness. That is why some boxes appear greyed out. If you hover your mouse over boxes the bottom of the screen will highlight the abilities of coaches to train specific areas. As you add more tasks to a aoch their traimning rating under boxes will start to lower. How many area they can coach should be determined by their stats. I don't know exactly how this works but I would assume adaptability plays its part.

I hope I've helped. It does seem odd that you have U19-B coaches coaching the first team. As I suggested, it can't hurt to bug that.


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