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Issues with training workload and assignment

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Hi everyone,


I am having some difficulty to understand how the training assignment works. Since my board limits me quite a lot in regards to coaches I need to understand this part of my "job" very well.


You guys can see above I have multiple coaches spread across different "sub teams".


1 - Are my under 19 coaches / Under 23 / under 19b also coaching the main squad?

2 - Is the GK coach also coaching the under sub 19 teams?

3 - Are my other normal coaches coaching only the main squad or any other teams?

4 - Should i get normal coaches for the Under 19 and B squads?

5 - What about myself and my assistance manager are we coaching only the main squad or the under 19?


The second issue I have is players are unhappy with the amount of strength training overall... Does this mean that I have too much Physical training in general in my schedule? How can i fix this? Thanks Guys !!!



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