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Development Progress - What does it mean?

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Can anyone help me out here. This progress screen is new and i am trying to understand it. I am looking at Bernd Leno over the last 8 months, it shows that his "progress" kept the same level for a while then there was a rise in "something" and then a decline below the starting line. However, he has not lost any attribute points and all his stats are the same as they were 8 months ago.

More puzzling is that i was closely watching his training and progress and nothing changed at all. It is not that he raised in attributes and then dropped them. Nothing changed!

What exactly does progress track and what does it mean?



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Remember that the star system for ability is subjective - it depends on the view of the coaches, as well as the abilities of other members of the team. Therefore, the ability level (which is shown by the graph) may have gone down because other players have developed well in the past few months, so his subjective ability is now lesser than other players.

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so this graph is not charting his actual progress rather his progress relative to his squad mates? Therefore since his team got better in comparison to his team his progress (even though his stats did not change) declined?

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Interesting that the comments at the bottom report "no significant change in ability" when the graph shows a downward decline in "ability".  Perhaps something @Seb Wassell or @Andrew James can shine a little more light on please?  At first glance there seems to be a bit of a disconnect between what the graph is showing and what the attributes / comments state.

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The progress graph is a scam tbh. When I first heard of it, I thought it would show some sort of progress of the CA of the player. But it turns out it's how your ass man (or other coach, not sure how that works) evaluates the CA with the star rating system. So if you sell a lot of players, the graph will spike (because the standards are lower), and if you hire better players the graph will drop (because the standards are higher), even if the player's attributes are stale or improving.

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5 hours ago, SkyFlare said:

The progress graph is a scam tbh. When I first heard of it, I thought it would show some sort of progress of the CA of the player. But it turns out it's how your ass man (or other coach, not sure how that works) evaluates the CA with the star rating system. So if you sell a lot of players, the graph will spike (because the standards are lower), and if you hire better players the graph will drop (because the standards are higher), even if the player's attributes are stale or improving.

Disappointing if this is true.

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47 minutes ago, rain94 said:

Disappointing if this is true.

It is unfortunately. I can show you an example. This is a 24 yo CM of mine: 


As you can see, the progress graph has declined, but not because of the attributes going down.


I simply got some better players in the last year so he went from a 4 star to a 3 star.



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16 hours ago, herne79 said:

Interesting that the comments at the bottom report "no significant change in ability" when the graph shows a downward decline in "ability".  Perhaps something @Seb Wassell or @Andrew James can shine a little more light on please?  At first glance there seems to be a bit of a disconnect between what the graph is showing and what the attributes / comments state.

Yea that disconnect between what the report is saying and the graph is representing has me lost. Help!!!

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3 hours ago, Tiger666 said:

It is true, it can be completely misleading. There are so many posts on this forum about stars and people not understanding what they mean. This will only add to it.

Stars have always been the opinions of your backroom staff. It's not the game's actual representation of how good that player is, otherwise they might as well show the CA number. The progress bar is just a quick indicator to how well your player is progressing relative to their peers.

As new and better players join the squad, obviously the standard set is going to be higher, so your 4 star potential youth striker who is now a 3 star potential seems correct. 

It's also worth noting that star ratings shouldn't be the only thing you rate your players on. A 2 star player can play much better than his 3 star team-mate. 

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13 minutes ago, Extra Time FM said:

Stars have always been the opinions of your backroom staff. It's not the game's actual representation of how good that player is, otherwise they might as well show the CA number. The progress bar is just a quick indicator to how well your player is progressing relative to their peers.

As new and better players join the squad, obviously the standard set is going to be higher, so your 4 star potential youth striker who is now a 3 star potential seems correct. 

It's also worth noting that star ratings shouldn't be the only thing you rate your players on. A 2 star player can play much better than his 3 star team-mate. 

Yes I know all that, my point is this progress bar tracking it, it's going to lead to a lot of frustration and misinterpretation I think.

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2 minutes ago, Tiger666 said:

Yes I know all that, my point is this progress bar tracking it, it's going to lead to a lot of frustration and misinterpretation I think.

Yeah you're right. A way around that is to put a tooltip on the progress page explaining the how it works and what can impact the graph. More explanation needed within the game, SI?

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15 minutes ago, FlorianAlbert9 said:

I always think that star rating should be 2:

1- linked to level of competition

2- linked to world level. 


The linked only to club level is non-sense.

Clubs have different standards, even when in the same league. Phil Jones at a title challenging team would be rated less than if he were at a team that just got promoted. 

To go even further, Phil Jones in League 2 team would be a 5 star player.

What do you mean "linked to world level?". You mean players in League 2 cannot be rated 5 stars because clearly theyre not the best in the world? They're rated as such due to their perspective. 

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30 minuti fa, Extra Time FM ha scritto:

Clubs have different standards, even when in the same league. Phil Jones at a title challenging team would be rated less than if he were at a team that just got promoted. 

To go even further, Phil Jones in League 2 team would be a 5 star player.

What do you mean "linked to world level?". You mean players in League 2 cannot be rated 5 stars because clearly theyre not the best in the world? They're rated as such due to their perspective. 

I mean that we should see 2 different rating, so obviously a player in L2 could have a 5 star in the linked League rating, but grey star in world rating. 

Let me explain better (sorry for poor english :D ). 


Ok that clubs have different standards, but even if I'm at a bottom club, i want know what my team missing to reduce the gap. 

It isn't an internal challange, so knowing only who Is your best striker Is useless info. 

Knowing the your best striker Is the worst in the league is the real info we need. 


It's usefull in top League - club or in clubs in Little nation that want grow up.

In the weaker league Is Indeed prerry useless in the current ability but in very very rare occasion can be use in potential ability. 

It's irrealistic to think that Barcellona could be rating a young Messi as potential world star and a L2 club only as a L2 star

Edited by FlorianAlbert9
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I would really like to get something official from SI on this. Here are some more screens this time from Lacazette.


According to the graph Lacazette has improved significantly in the last 4 months but again the stats all say no significant changes. Looking at his attribute changes over the last six months and they look like this


Attributes have stayed the same over the last six months. So how exactly should i read and understand that progress screen? What is its purpose?


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