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Nah man this ridiculous. I even had a penalty that was saved in this game, it was Diego Costa's third penalty miss in a row for me, which is ridiculous in and of itself. Combine that with 4 ccc's and three shots hitting the woodwork and this result is essentially statistically impossible.


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3 of 11 shots on target were long shots,  9 of my total shots were long shots. That means 21 shots were inside the box, 5 of which were inside the 6 yard box. It would be worth going through all the shots to see which ones were headers and which ones weren't, but I don't feel like doing that right now.

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  • HUNT3R changed the title to This game!


I suspect that every user has had a game like this where your team has dominated and not won.  It can and does happen and you should only really be concerned if it happens on a regular basis.  If this is the case, post a thread in the Tactics forum and the guys in there can have a look.

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More importantly: How many of those SOT were purely the perennial Header from the set piece under pressure in a crowded box? 

Blue dots in this screenshot.


15 Corners, which is a Corner kick alone every 4th Minute the ball is kicked.

How often do you see this in Football?

How is that "dominating an Opponent", considering that apparently they got a foot into like every move?

Why is that? 

By my guest.  Read this thread and you may be able to avoid this. On the Occasion. 


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8 hours ago, chvrches said:

Nah man this ridiculous. I even had a penalty that was saved in this game, it was Diego Costa's third penalty miss in a row for me, which is ridiculous in and of itself. Combine that with 4 ccc's and three shots hitting the woodwork and this result is essentially statistically impossible.


Five forward players, one central midfielder and a very attacking mentality (presumably, given how you've named your tactic). It's no surprise you were peppering their goal. They will have found that one opening and exploited it. I assume you win most other games at home to weaker opposition by comfortable scorelines? With an uber aggressive tactic like that, your result against Eibar was an accident waiting to happen. As @FrazT says though, if this is happening time after time, then raise it in the correct area of the forum. 

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Well done to Eibar, they had a plan and executed it to perfection. They were ahead in the only statistic that matters. Rather than get frustrated and rail against the game why not try to use this as a teachable moment.

How did a much weaker team that didn't even play that well manage to stop me from scoring?

How can I improve the quality of chances created rather than just the quantity?

How could I have managed the game better and what changes could I have made to prevent such an outcome?

Those are the questions you should be asking yourself. 

Sometimes you have to adapt to what is happening in a game, persisting with something that's not working isn't good management. Take responsibility for the loss, learn from it and aspire to do better next time.

All the best

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10 hours ago, chvrches said:

Nah man this ridiculous. I even had a penalty that was saved in this game, it was Diego Costa's third penalty miss in a row for me, which is ridiculous in and of itself. Combine that with 4 ccc's and three shots hitting the woodwork and this result is essentially statistically impossible.


Statistically impossibe? ...


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@pheelf They didn't execute any sort of plan to perfection lmao, they got an ungodly amount of luck, that's it. *They* didn't manage to stop me from scoring, the football gods did. "Improve the quality of chances" is 4 ccc's not enough for you? Is that not enough? They didn't have a single shot inside the box.

Me: 4 ccc's, 3 shots off the woodwork and a pen that was saved, 0 goals.

Eibar: 2 shots, both outside the box, 1 goal.

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@ChrisCo I know you think that Celtic v. Barca game is comparable to mine because of the possession and shots stats, but you would need to show me the quality of chances in that game for both teams for a serious comparison.

Eibar had 1 shot on target in my game, an insane goal from outside the box, Celtic had 5 in the screenshot you posted, so what were those 5 shots like? And what were the quality of Barcelona's chances? I had 4 ccc's in my game. 

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3 minutes ago, chvrches said:

@ChrisCo I know you think that Celtic v. Barca game is comparable to mine because of the possession and shots stats, but you would need to show me the quality of chances in that game for both teams for a serious comparison.

Eibar had 1 shot on target in my game, an insane goal from outside the box, Celtic had 5 in the screenshot you posted, so what were those 5 shots like? And what were the quality of Barcelona's chances? I had 4 ccc's in my game. 

My wider point was that what you experienced is not 'statistically impossible' and can happen in football, the example given is not the exact same but is very much comparable. 

Furthermore, are you trying to say you have never seen a football match where a team misses 4 good chances? Unlikely, or even rare, but certainly not unheard of.

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As a Burnley fan, I'm used to seeing us have 2 shots and winning a match with 20% possession, it happens! Hell, last season we beat Fulham 2-1 without having a shot on target due to 2 own goals :D


Your tactic looks very very attacking and it looks like Eibar read it like a book and took their chance.

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3 minutes ago, Burnley92 said:

As a Burnley fan, I'm used to seeing us have 2 shots and winning a match with 20% possession, it happens! Hell, last season we beat Fulham 2-1 without having a shot on target due to 2 own goals :D


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7 minutes ago, Burnley92 said:

As a Burnley fan, I'm used to seeing us have 2 shots and winning a match with 20% possession, it happens! Hell, last season we beat Fulham 2-1 without having a shot on target due to 2 own goals :D


Your tactic looks very very attacking and it looks like Eibar read it like a book and took their chance.

This isn't my actual tactic, just the tactic I ended up with in this game after making some changes. My actual tactic is a possession 4-2-3-1 with a positive mentality.

Eibar didn't read anything like a book lol, they didn't play well at all. If your plan is to stop a team from scoring by defending deep and limiting the quality of their chances, but then you give up 4 ccc's, you executed your plan terribly. If the other side of that same plan is to transition quickly when you win the ball to try and score, but you only have 2 shots, both outside the box, and 1 on target, you executed that side of the plan terribly as well.

Eibar didn't play well at all is my point, they didn't "take their chance", because they literally had no chances.

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4 minutes ago, chvrches said:

This isn't my actual tactic, just the tactic I ended up with in this game after making some changes. My actual tactic is a possession 4-2-3-1 with a positive mentality.

Eibar didn't read anything like a book lol, they didn't play well at all. If your plan is to stop a team from scoring by defending deep and limiting the quality of their chances, but then you give up 4 ccc's, you executed your plan terribly. If the other side of that same plan is to transition quickly when you win the ball to try and score, but you only have 2 shots, both outside the box, and 1 on target, you executed that side of the plan terribly as well.

Eibar didn't play well at all is my point, they didn't "take their chance", because they literally had no chances.


I've watched Burnley beat Liverpool and Man City after conceding 26 shots and having the lowest amount of possession since Opta records began. Burnley knew how Liverpool were going to play and weathered the storm. While Burnley didn't look particularly good, they won. It wasn't even a case of transitioning quickly, they didn't! Again, it happens! Get over it and try again.


A shot is a chance. Eibar took a shot and it went in. Tough luck!

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8 minutes ago, Burnley92 said:

A shot is a chance. Eibar took a shot and it went in. Tough luck!

Ouch! Harsh but true!

If this is a one off, give the players a roasting & move onto the next game. If it's every week, get back to the drawing board 

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8 hours ago, craiigman said:

Try one of Knap's other tactics

Don't try one of knap's if you doN't want to have this, actually (or ever want to be on the other end, which is being the side having far fewer shots and Winning). :D 

I see my above post is being ignored. Figures. As if the CCCS In-game ever meant anything… 

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3 minutes ago, Svenc said:

Don't try one of knap's if you doN't want to have this, actually (or ever want to be on the other end, which is being the side having far fewer shots and Winning). :D 

I see my above post is being ignored. Figures. As if the CCCS In-game ever meant anything… 

I ignored your previous post because I couldn't understand what your point was. What do you mean by "they got a foot into like every move"? Whats your point about a corner every 4 minutes?

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7 minutes ago, chvrches said:

I ignored your previous post because I couldn't understand what your point was. What do you mean by "they got a foot into like every move"? Whats your point about a corner every 4 minutes?

That despite your insistance that you'd be all over your opponents, most / a lot of your finishes will be purely from the set piece, with some certainty. Matches on FM last About 60 minutes (90 minus stoppage time). Therefore, that's a Corner every 4th Minute. Actually good chances will be missed, as realistically, even the better ones will be 50/50 Affairs most of the time at best. Headers under pressure from a throw in, free kick and Corner oft aren't that good chances, and mostly picked up by the keeper (in particularly in-game). If Eibar were actually positionally stretched, there likely wouldn't have been this many set pieces to begin with. Every set piece is the result of a side getting the foot into an actual move (or in the keeper's case, the Hands).

They may have still been lucky to score their Goal mind. :D 

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2 minutes ago, Svenc said:

That despite your insistance that you'd be all over your opponents, most / a lot of your finishes will be purely from the set piece, with some certainty. Actually good chances will be missed. Headers under pressure from a throw in, free kick and Corner oft aren't that good chances, and mostly picked up by the keeper (in particularly in-game). If Eibar were actually positionally stretched, there likely wouldn't have been this many set pieces to begin with. Every set piece is the result of a side getting the foot into an actual move (or in the keeper's case, the Hands).

Yes I'm aware that corners and set pieces aren't good scoring chances, that's why I have been focusing on the amount of clear cut chances I had, not the amount of corners. Idgaf about corners.

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