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[Suggestion] Heatmaps for single player positions


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We have heat maps in the game like for ball possession in the team analysis, but only for the whole team.

To better understand single positions and player roles (and it's execution), I'd love to have similar heatmaps for single player positions or just a filter for single players, so I can see in what areas my guys have been throughout the game or specific timespan, with and without the ball.

There are not many possibilities to analyse player movement but average positions, dribblings whole team ball possession heatmaps.

Being able to evaluate player movement would be amazing, possibly able to watch two or more players in different colors, so I can also see (dis)synergies / overlapping movement areas, etc.

Should not be too hard to implement, because we have greatly working heatmaps in game right now, we just need it on different datasets!

What do you think?


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You can only filter for one average position per player right now.

My suggestion is being able to see the heatmap for let's say only your box-to-box midfielder for the last 15 minutes of a game (or the whole game). Not necessarily with/without ball filterable.

This way you can see, where he has been the most, and where not as a distribution, not only one single average position.

Edited by djdookie
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Oh WOW! This is exactly what I was looking for. You made my day! :hammer:

I never saw I have more options to only analyse single players in the analysis of specific matches.

I only looked in Tactics -> Analysis -> Match -> Individual match analysis. There you don't have that option.

Ok then my suggestion is to also have it there! ;)

Thank you!

Edited by djdookie
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I found a bug here:

First time opening the player analysis with position-heatmaps selected last time.


switching to anything else via the drop down and switching back, player list is empty.


Can you forward this to the UI bug tracker please? ;)



Edit: This bug does only occur after a match has finished and you reload it by clicking on the result in  your calendar.

It's not bugged, if you use that menu hwile the match is running (analysis in halftime e.g.).

Edited by djdookie
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