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It's the player's quality in relation to the rest of the team. It doesn't mean a player with more stars than another will perform better in your tactic.

If you have a technically gifted but short striker, he won't perform as well in a tactic based on high crosses into the box or set pieces.

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The man in your avatar is bulgarian like me. And he was play in CSKA Sofia with Stoichkov and Penev. Thank you! I want to ask again, if you allow me - If I have home grown player in my intake and He develop in maximum 2 - 2,5 stars is normal this player to  play better from other with 4 stars and price 30 mln euro when my team is 4 stars and Continental reputation? Let me know, because I`m so confuse from this...

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2 hours ago, IvanDimitrov said:

The man in your avatar is bulgarian like me. And he was play in CSKA Sofia with Stoichkov and Penev. 

Yes, it's Trifon Ivanov. A great defender, too bad he's already gone.



 If I have home grown player in my intake and He develop in maximum 2 - 2,5 stars is normal this player to  play better from other with 4 stars and price 30 mln euro when my team is 4 stars and Continental reputation?

It's hard to tell from the info you're providing. Could you post some screenshots of the player and the tactics you're using him in?

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I do not mean a specific case, but it gives me the impression that I am buying a player for 30 million with  \CA 3 stars and PA 4,5 stars\ and he performs worse than his own player from a very modest intake. And this happens several times, after which I said, that maybe,  you shouldn't buy new players if your own are on the same post and this is some lesson the game wants to give the player

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1 hour ago, IvanDimitrov said:

I do not mean a specific case, but it gives me the impression that I am buying a player for 30 million with  \CA 3 stars and PA 4,5 stars\ and he performs worse than his own player from a very modest intake. And this happens several times, after which I said, that maybe,  you shouldn't buy new players if your own are on the same post and this is some lesson the game wants to give the player

You need to keep in mind that a new player needs some time to get into the team. New players usually perform worse in the first few matches, so you need to give them some time.

If your new player performs badly the whole season long, there must be something wrong with the way you're using him in your tactic, or maybe his personality or mental attributes are not good enough.

It's really hard to tell without knowing more details.

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Look it - my own intake player in the first screen shot Lyaskov plays better then other players who I buy from Boka for 10 mln euro 3 years ago 

After two years the player from last screen become sit because own intake player play better and start more games from him

That is a single case, I have some cases like this. A have golden intake and every year come 3-4 home grown players with max 2- 2,5 stars and they play better from players with CA3 and PA 4,5 stars


After that I stop buying players and now I`m so confusied 




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Hold up.

Lyaskov has an average rating of 7.49 from twenty matches.

Avila has an average rating of 7.62 from eighteen matches and has scored nine goals (as a full-back!).

I would say those are pretty awesome numbers for both players. I'm a little confused, the Argentinian has a better average rating than the Bulgarian, so where's the problem?

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Avile has an avarage rating of 7,62, because he score 9 penalties. I have some case in the rigth back. And more... 

I want to know why and ask for some help. 

A keep them together and rotate, but want to know why is that ...?! Thank you for your advice

Edited by IvanDimitrov
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Ok, but even without those penalties his average rating would be superb.

I'm sorry, but I don't understand what the problem is. Both players have great average ratings, I don't think anyone would complain having full-backs producing numbers like that.

I'm managing Spartak Moscow now, we're in first place and my full-backs have average ratings ranging from 7.14 to 7.43 and those are very good numbers.

Edited by Prej
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If you look at those two players, their abilities are rather similar. Avila may have more stars because his hidden abilities are higher, like his consistency.

Aside from that, considering their average ratings, you must be mopping up the Bulgarian league, and it would be rather difficult for both of them to have even higher ratings.

Also, I'm pretty sure that Lyaskov would be a star in every other team in that league, right?

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This is exactly what confuses me. I buy the "golden generation" and prefer to play with young players from school, however, it happens the same for the first 10 years until I build two new stadiums - I have no problem being a champion and taking the country cup, however, when I play in the Champions League, I skip the groups and most of the times I come first, then the 1/8 finals always eliminate me. After the 10th year I acquire a continental reputation and jump to the quarterfinals, semifinals and somewhere by the age of 15 I already win the Champions League and the Club World Cup. I have a budget, but I buy on average one expensive player per transfer window, for about 20-30 million euros. And that's exactly what confuses me, because players like Lyaskov, I have 2-star Turitsov, play better than foreigners bought for a lot of money. And it puzzles me how Lyaskov and Turitsov, with their minimum rating, play better than imported expensive players. Obviously, stars are not the starting point to consider

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9 minutes ago, IvanDimitrov said:

This is exactly what confuses me. I buy the "golden generation" and prefer to play with young players from school, however, it happens the same for the first 10 years until I build two new stadiums - I have no problem being a champion and taking the country cup, however, when I play in the Champions League, I skip the groups and most of the times I come first, then the 1/8 finals always eliminate me. After the 10th year I acquire a continental reputation and jump to the quarterfinals, semifinals and somewhere by the age of 15 I already win the Champions League and the Club World Cup. I have a budget, but I buy on average one expensive player per transfer window, for about 20-30 million euros. And that's exactly what confuses me, because players like Lyaskov, I have 2-star Turitsov, play better than foreigners bought for a lot of money. And it puzzles me how Lyaskov and Turitsov, with their minimum rating, play better than imported expensive players. Obviously, stars are not the starting point to consider

The price of a player isn't directly related to his quality but also to his and his club's reputation. A player in a lower reputation league will cost, let's say, 2 millions, but when he transfers to a better league, his value will jump to 20 millions.

You may be buying players for 20-30 millions, but they're not much better than what your youth program is producing. Also, maybe better players don't want to come to your club because the league is weak, even though your club may have continental reputation.

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Well, no. You can't have any player in the world, because the best players won't come to the Bulgarian league, even to the best team.

What I mean is that you may have hit a plateau on which your own players are of similar quality as the ones you can buy from other leagues because any better players won't come to your club.

In this situation the only thing you can do is to try to advance in European competitions as far as you can and ramp up your club's reputation.

Or just move on to a better league.

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2 minutes ago, IvanDimitrov said:

Yes, this situation with reputation is the strange. When I build two new stadium, I have 4 stars reputation and everything is so easy, but why this stars are so confuse, I don`t know,

Thank you very much!

I understand that the situation with the stars may be confusing, but keep in mind that players also have hidden attributes which are not visible in the game but still influence a player's value and rating.

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