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Definition of 'big club'

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Thanks for the update: fixed lots of bugs and I'm already noticing the difference!

Just flagging up something that I've highlighted in previous versions too: how the game defines 'big club' for the purposes of both a) the release clause and b) the player wanting to go to a bigger club. I realise b) is going to come down to player personality but a) is definitely an irritation.

I like playing with lower league teams and leading them on improbable climbs to the top. Here's a common scenario:

I'm top of the Championship, playing in Europe (thanks billionaire chairman!) and already guaranteed promotion. My star player gets an offer from a club who are either facing relegation from the premiership or even below me in the Championship. He complains that he wants to move to this 'bigger club' and if they meet his big club release clause they get him. The problem eventually disappears but only after I've won the champions league and world club championship!

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