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theres too little goals destroys immersion

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theres simply too little goals in this game. In my season with QPR in the championship there was 1367 goals scored from all teams during the season. My top scorer had 13 which just seems so low. I compared it to other championship seasons in the past and every season had more goals. Even a season that was low on goals had 42 more than my 1367 season. Also strikers get like 4 clear cut chances a game and pass it to the keeper basically. Also wingers never cross they always shoot. This game is completely broken. 

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1367 goals divided by 552 games in a regular Championship campaign equals... 2.47 goals per game on average.

That's higher than the equivalent averages in two of the last five Championship seasons in real-life. In other words, it's not an outlandishly low figure.

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