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Assistant Manager Cleared Out His Desk

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I get back into the office and find out, my assistant manager cleared out his desk, no 2 week notice, not 1 day notice, nothing. Every time some team poached my awesome staff, there is ZERO notice that a job was accepted and zero time for replacing absent a coach...I absolutely support a coach/asst manager/etc moving up in their career...but ZERO notice of contract acceptance to leaving?


And, there should be some mandatory payback for team covering coaching qualifications if you quit your post early.

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@FrazT No, not on holiday. yes compensated. yes i knew he was being looked at. I am saying, once he accepts, there is Zero time between acceptance, and move out. Maybe, someone could say, hey boss, i'm going to accept this contract and move out in a week, while the movers come and pack up my house...or whatever...I am absolutely positive, that as long as a coach/manager/etc. is on good terms with club, the club would be in on the time frame at all times throughout the process. ... Like, coach, xyz was offered a contract... coach, xyz is going to accept the offer... coach you've got 3 days to find a replacement... is it not realistic? 


If I wanted to win a game over a rival, why not give contracts to staff of the other team, and slot them in useless slots and let my rival be coachless for a few matches??

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I have definitely been raising this since as far back as FM12 - and I even asked for FM19 was this still the same behaviour - and it was, as I haven't played FM19 or FM20 I wasn't sure if it was fixed. 

This is something that after about 10 years needs to be fixed @Neil Brock do us a solid and at least acknowledge this needs to be addressed and fixed. 

To be honest, I don't even know how often coaches/staff move clubs or if it is a thing. I wouldn't be sure if certain managers have got an "entourage" - basically their own coaching staff which comes club to club. 

When Mourinho took over at Spurs he brought his "preferred backroom staff" https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-7707317/Who-Jose-Mourinhos-Tottenham-backroom-staff-assembled-special-one-revealed.html

Which meant coaches from all over the world dropped what they were doing to join Mourinho. But how does that work? They just hand in their notice and move to Spurs? Because if they did then the game is working slightly as intended. 


I've said for years there needs to be one of those Red News items that stops the game and you must respond, to give you the chance to persuade your staff member to stay, and offer them a new contract - then it's up to them if they want to move one with compensation coming your way if they decided to leave. 


I am not upset with staff moving - just really that you aren't given an opportunity to:

1) Have a Red News Item that need to respond to

2) Convince them to stay

3) Offer them a new contract

4) If they are going you get notified via a Red News Item

5) And with the red news item you are given the opportunity to place an advert looking for a replacement

and/or 6) Have previous coaches you worked with previously express an interest in working with you again



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@Smurf Nice points all around, I could add that I have not had 1 single staff say anything other than something to the effect of "i'm not going to let you influence my career". I find that odd, since i have demonstrated awesome results, have world wide notoriety.


@FrazT you're welcome to take this and move it into bug/wish list forum. I'm really not interested in furthering it more since, if @Smurf is right, nothing will be done OR others might pipe in on the bug/wish list forum.

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8 minutes ago, TheJock83 said:

You always get notified if one of your coaches has been offered a job elsewhere - if you don't at that point do your own due diligence and line up a replacement ready for when they leave, that's your own bad planning.

Except when you have the game set to auto advance - get up to go the loo - answer the phone - look away for a minute - news items come and go - so do your staff and you don't even get a chance to try and retain them. Yet, if you sign a 15 year old from Lithuania you're offered a press conference and you have to decide with a red news item if you want to call the press conference or not.


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3 hours ago, TheJock83 said:

You always get notified if one of your coaches has been offered a job elsewhere - if you don't at that point do your own due diligence and line up a replacement ready for when they leave, that's your own bad planning.

Lol, can you offer anything constructive? I know they're offered a job. finding quality staff is easy. In fact in 2020, its way easy. Clubs keep poaching my staff. Did you read where I said once the contract is accepted by a coach to another club, there is no time given to replace a staff member such as a 2 week notice?

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12 minutes ago, armyissue69 said:

Lol, can you offer anything constructive? I know they're offered a job. finding quality staff is easy. In fact in 2020, its way easy. Clubs keep poaching my staff. Did you read where I said once the contract is accepted by a coach to another club, there is no time given to replace a staff member such as a 2 week notice?

I'm not sure with contracts are they obliged to give 2 weeks notice? Or 4 weeks notice? Surely the other club is buying the contract essentially, that's where the fee comes from.

But I do agree wholeheartedly the process of a coach being approached and accepting the job and leaving happens way too fast.

It should really be a slightly longer process, and it should be a red news item so you can at least attempt to convince them to stay by way of dialogue or by way of offering new contract.

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@Smurf or allow it to be added to contract negotiations of a required 2 weeks notice. Technically, a contract is a written agreement to serve a specific time frame right? I don't allow a release clause in my contracts so... with players you have the option of allowing time for a replacement player...


Anyhoo, I feel like we've beaten this into the ground long enough that I will sign off on this discussion. Great stuff @Smurf and I look forward to other discussions with your input. :) happy holidays :) 

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9 hours ago, FrazT said:

As I said above, I don't think that this is a bug, but how the code has been written.  If you want it changed, then raise it as a features request and at least it will be logged by SI as they will not see it in here.

Can you move the whole thread over to the suggestion forum?

If not I can create one there. Thanks.

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1 hour ago, Smurf said:

Can you move the whole thread over to the suggestion forum?

If not I can create one there. Thanks.

I can, but because there is discussion around the subject, it would be best to start a new thread with a concise request for specific change

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