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Match engine future

PAPA Edien

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here's an idea maybe instead of making the match engine s*** every year and then make us wait half the year for an update that actually makes fm playable you can do this:

instead of selling the same game every year for 50euros make fm a subscriber based game that you pay the same amount of money every year as you charge for the game currently and instead of making a new match engine every year(which is hard i get it) you just update it ... this game has so much potential to be great yet instead of pure enjoyment all my mates and i are getting this year is the great feeling of being annoyed ...

p.s. i am sorry for the s*** comment but when you play tika taka football and your most common goal is a goal where the left back pings the ball from our side of the field to the striker on the opponents side you know something is not right ... look i watch football and played football for a long time and this game isn't anything close to a football game ... 40 shots 10 1v1s and the players either shoot the ball so poorly that it can make you cry at times or shoot the ball directly at the keeper ... sometimes the goalkeeper becomes spiderman and saves a power header from 5 meters because ? reasans ! ... lets not forget the funny winger moments where instead of crossing to a player in the best possible position to score they shoot from angles that no sane person would shoot ... hope you get some staff in that actually watch football cause or just look at the premier league as a base to see how the goals are missed and scored and simply put it into the match engine ... 

and again i am sorry for the passionate negative comments as they come from the hope of making fm a better game not to insult the developers ... thank you in advance for making the future of fm great again :)

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