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Tonali as Regista

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Hi, sorry if this has been posted before.

I'm trying to play around Tonali playing as a Regista. He has all the necessary attributes but is very far from natural in the role.

Is he able to adapt to a full competence Regista in FM 20?

I'm a bit concerned i might buying into a long-term plan that will never truly prosper.


Also, what would be a good third midfielder role for a Regista to work well. 

I've a BWM CM and a Mezalla on At, but they feel a bit cluttered and i can't seem to spread out the midfield more with instructions

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What do you mean by 'full competence'? If it's the color of the circle next to his role, it has no effects on how he plays, it's just a visual representation of the attributes needed for that role according to the game, but we all know some of them are set wrong. Only you know what you want from your player, so judge his attributes from your point of view and not what the game says a regista needs.

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50 minutes ago, Rehnzz said:

I'm trying to play around Tonali playing as a Regista. He has all the necessary attributes but is very far from natural in the role

If (you are sure that) he has all the necessary attributes, then he absolutely can play the role, regardless of what the game says about his "role suitability". What the game suggests can sometimes (often?) be misleading, so pay attention to attributes and traits to see if a player is suitable for a role or not. 

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54 minutes ago, Rehnzz said:

Also, what would be a good third midfielder role for a Regista to work well. 

I've a BWM CM and a Mezalla on At, but they feel a bit cluttered and i can't seem to spread out the midfield more with instructions

You need to post a screenshot of the whole tactic (roles, duties, instructions and mentality) in order to get proper advice. A couple of roles in isolation mean little (if anything).

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He has: Tries killer balls, Dictates Tempo, Does not dive into tackles, Tries long range passes, Brings ball out of defense. 

Incredible mentals.


But yeah, i just got worried because the new (helpful infact) clickables areas of the pitch said he had a low impact because of his role suitability.

Just wanted to know if anyone further into a save knew wether he becomes fully familiar. 

Thank you for your input though, i will just keep him doing it and see how it goes 3-4 seasons in.


It's just fairly hard to get a non-cluttered midfield 3with a regista in it. I found a traditional "4-4-2" works better. But soaking up pressure and counter-attacking isn't ideal for the Regista role i guess?

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16 minutes ago, Rehnzz said:


I'll refrain from commenting this tactic, because I never use asymmetric formations. 


17 minutes ago, Rehnzz said:


For now, I'll just say that this setup is extremely unsound defensively, with your defense (more precisely - CBs only) left overly exposed to opposition (counter)attacks. This is then further exacerbated by needlessly aggressive defensive instructions. If you want a regista as a lone DM, then you need to think about how (and who) to provide defensive cover for him.

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Trying a slightly different version now with the wingers pulled back into the midfield line and the wingbacks put on support.

I'd play Tousart as a halfback but it feels a bit thin with only a Mezzala or CM in the middle.

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1 hour ago, Rehnzz said:

I'm trying to play around Tonali playing as a Regista. He has all the necessary attributes but is very far from natural in the role


29 minutes ago, Rehnzz said:

Incredible mentals

Are you sure? When I look at his profile here, I would not be so sure that he is a good choice for the regista role. OTB only 8; anticipation only 10. For me, he is more a DLP than regista.

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Anticipation is now 12 in my save, only a few months in. Giving him extra training in Attacking Movement for OTB. I realize this is why he's not fully natural as a Regista, hence why i created the thread.

Wanted to know if it's something thats possible to fix.

I feel like with the attributes he has, putting him as a DLP will pacify a lot of those stats. As a regista his whole skillset is put to work.


I could be completely wrong, but again it's why i created the thread.


I could do the easy thing and play with the same idea in mind, but a libero instead of a regista. ( They seem to be easier to find, i've yet to see a perfect regista in FM 20. But i'd say in reality Tonali is one )

I just really like the Pirlo vibe that Tonali gives me. Huge fan of his.

Edited by Rehnzz
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