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Logo's don't show in all places they are supposed to


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I'm encountering al puzzling problem. I use the DivX logo pack and manage a lower league team in Timo's custom data-file. The logo pack includes my club's logo's in all various sizes, linked to the correct id in the xml ('logo' and 'icon').

Somehow my clubs (and many other clubs at this level) logo doesn't show in all the spots it should be. Is some places it is replaced by the standard FM-crest/shield. The title bar big logo is fine, club screen big logo is fine but the smal kit logo on the same page is FM-standard, small league table logo also FM-standard. Logo behind player in news items, also standard FM. Top logo in schedule screen is also standard FM-crest. but te fixure against my u-19's does show the small logo. 

Then I started to examine that inter-squad friendly against my u-19's and things really got weird... The medium logo in fixture anouncement is standard-FM for my senior squad, but my u-19 squad does have the correct logo there, as does the kit of my u-19's. In the match engine both logo's are shown correctly in the top bar however. Then I checkd out the match stats, and there both kits show the correct small club logo. I check team-analysis, only the u-19 logo is shown correctly. This really got me confused. It seems almost at random where a logo is shown or replaced bij FM-standard, but I tried switching skins, clearing cashe, deleted the logo pack and later reloaded it, deleted skins and reloaded them. Still the logo's miss in the same places as described above, also in the standard FM-skin. I simply can't find an explination that makes sense to me. I can't find anything wrong in the logo pack and xml either..

Does anyone recognise this problem and know how to tackle it?


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I use Timo's database but also made one of my own to rename 'Real San Sebastian' to 'Real Sociedad' and such in the Spanish competitions. I think you're tip is the correct one.

I started a new game without that spain-data and it seems to work. The screens I've come across until now have the right logo in the right place. Thank you prot651!

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