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When is this match engine going to be SORTED OUT!!!!!....one on ones missed,dont even bother watching those,crossing non existent....throw ins by the corner flag offside every single time,wingers running to byline stopping ball on the line for opponents to clear etc etc,ive persevered with it since day one.....now given up,absolute rubbish ☹

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if you have given up, then why does it matter when it is fixed? 

If you wanna post some constructive criticism, or offer some evidence, head over to bugs forum n add some stuff to help the team 

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People on this forum are at times cult like in their defence. The man has a right to be damn annoyed after paying £40 of his money for an enjoyable experience in return. 

That being said its been clearly stated the issues and the fact its been a struggle to find the right balance, what with the puzzle the ME clearly is. There is a duty of both sides us to support SI and be patient and not give up as its easily forgotten that si have brough 20 odd years of enjoyment and they havent shelved it and given up but that hasnt happened so lets not give up now ey. Then the duty of si to be open and honest, we know its not a huge studio and compared to most the workload and communication of devs is top notch for the relative turnover, but also the need to be efficient and mabe the me is getting a bit too complex and needs simplifying i dont know i wont being to know whats behind the works. Point is as much as its very frustrating and both need to understand that were allowed to be upset with the delays and clear complexity, we need to be constructive and discuss how we can make it better for eachother because lets be honest alls us fans and devs want is a good game and to have fun for 9 months or so, lets keep faith and lets figure out the best way to deal with this match engine for everyone 

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