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Bidding war cheat

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Hi all,

FMM has had a quirk for a number of years now involving bidding wars. 

The scenario is thus:

1. I make an enquiry for a player and then submit a bid at the suggested price 

2. Another club (or clubs) make a higher bid and I have the chance to respond

3) I then make a counter offer at a much higher amount than I did previously (say, double) 

4) Bid is accepted immediately by selling club and other interested clubs drop out

5) At the contract stage, I end negotiations and cancel the bid

6) Straight away I make another offer at the original price I was quoted, and more often than not it will get accepted with no competition. If not, repeat above steps until it does. 

Like I say, this has existed in the game for a few years now and I have been able to take advantage of it countless times to sign players unopposed. 

Probably says more about me than the game tbh. 🤔

Is there anyway you can close the loop on this? Maybe have a club refuse to deal with you again if you pull this stunt on them? 

Edited by passenger58
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