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How player performance is affected by current ability vs. attributes

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I am a new player and have been reading Guide to FM (https://www.guidetofm.com). I have searched the forums for an answer to this, but still cannot understand the issue ofhow the current ability mechanic affects match performance vs. how the attributes mechanic affects match performance. I'll write my rough understanding of the two mechanics below and then provide an example leading to my question.


My understanding of current ability

A player's current ability is a hidden number set between 0 and 200, which is distributed to each attribute on a weighted basis depending on the importance of that attribute to the player's assigned role and duty. Higher current ability leads to better match performance in all areas.


My understanding of attributes

A player's attribute is a visible number set between 1 and 20. A player's performance in different areas is affected by his attributes and various combinations of attributes. Higher attributes lead to better match performance in the specific corresponding area (e.g. Dribbling).



  • A player has 84 current ability. He also has a Dribbling attribute of 3.
  • Let's say we assign him to Wing-Back (Defend). For this role and duty, Dribbling is considered important (highlighted blue on the profile screen).
  • Therefore, let's say quite a lot of current ability is thus distributed to Dribbling, e.g. Dribbling receives 10 out of the 84 current ability available.
  • Let's say we now re-assign him to Full-Back (Defend). For this role and duty, Dribbling is not considered important (neither highlighted as blue nor grey).
  • Therefore, let's say not so much current ability is thus distributed to Dribbling, e.g. Dribbling receives 1 out of the 84 current ability available.


So, how is a player's dribbling performance on the pitch affected by the two mechanics of current ability and attributes? We can see with a Dribbling attribute of 3, he is pretty bad at dribbling and this should be reflected in poor dribbling performance on the pitch. But, due to the hidden current ability mechanic, does assigning him as Wing-Back (Defend) actually make his dribbling performance better than it would be otherwise?


Thanks for any help.


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My understanding is that his attributes decide on how well he will perform on the pitch carrying out certain duties.  If his dribbling attribute is 3 that will still be his attribute regardless of what role he is playing but this attribute is less important as a straight defender rather than a wing back.  Where that any attribute sits in the CA calculation will be constant but its importance will change depending on the role.

You may get a more detailed answer from the guys in the Tactics forum

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very interesting post OP i have often wondered about performance of players and which is more significant CA or attributes. obviously there are many many other factors, day night morale, form, fitness, condition etc....will be keeping an eye on this thread :)

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  • 1 year later...

Hi everyone. I'm currently play campaigning on fm22 with man utd and luke shaw had 3 gold stars CA and 3 gold CP. He didn't have any white stars. In the middle of the season, overnight he went up to 4 gold stars of CA and CP as well. About 2 months later he went back to 3 stars of CA and CP and now in the last month of the season, he is again with 4 stars of CA and CP. What determines this? Attributes didn't keep up with his rise. He is the only player in my team who happend that.

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15 minutes ago, Roberto Streger said:

Hi everyone. I'm currently play campaigning on fm22 with man utd and luke shaw had 3 gold stars CA and 3 gold CP. He didn't have any white stars. In the middle of the season, overnight he went up to 4 gold stars of CA and CP as well. About 2 months later he went back to 3 stars of CA and CP and now in the last month of the season, he is again with 4 stars of CA and CP. What determines this? Attributes didn't keep up with his rise. He is the only player in my team who happend that.

Stars are relative to the team quality and form. So if he was in a good run or You sold an important stars wise player, his stars will increase. Same goes the opposite way.

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CA is just the total of all the attributes. It's the attributes themselves that dictate performance in each simulated situation. So if you have a player with poor dribbling you'd be advised to use him in a role that doesn't rely much on dribbling.

I assign the role that the player has the best combination of highlighted attributes in. It's also how I judge potential targets and youth team players. Are their attributes distributed in a way that fits their position well. I ignore star rating as it's often non sensical. I've had 2.5 star players regularly outperforming 4 star guys in the same position.

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