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[FM20][HELP] Titlebar height [SOLVED]


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Hey all, apologies if this is answered elsewhere (searched with no joy).

I'm trying to make the main titlebar and the club name and colour bigger. I have editted header.xml to make the container height = 100 rather than 60. But for the life of me can't find the file to edit to get the team colouring to expand to same height as the container. Currently look is as in pic below. I want the blue colouring behind team name to expand to fill the whole newly enlarged totlebar. How do I do that?

And similarly how do I increase size of the text and logo here too?

Many thanks



Screenshot (17).png

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This code?

<!--object name and search bar-->
                    <widget class="titlebar_search_panel" id="Tits">
                        <record id="object_property">
                            <integer id="get_property" value="objt" />
                            <integer id="set_property" value="objt" />

I don't understand how that allows me to change size of the heading?

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titlebar search panel is a different panel, you've presented the code pointing to it in the titlebar.xml. 

2 different panels. 


You are then looking for something similar to the below (from my skin, yours will differ slightly):

<!-- title area -->
                <widget class="text" id="sect" font="title" alignment="centre" size="14" style="semi_bold" multiline="false" auto_size="vertical" wants_mouse_events="false" dont_give_default_focus="true" colour="secondary">
                    <record id="object_property">
                        <list id="get_properties">


Change the size value to your preference. 



If you are lacking this panel you will need to extract it using the resource archiver, guides in the sticky posts. 

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10 minutes ago, Loda said:

titlebar search panel is a different panel, you've presented the code pointing to it in the titlebar.xml. 

2 different panels. 


You are then looking for something similar to the below (from my skin, yours will differ slightly):

<!-- title area -->
                <widget class="text" id="sect" font="title" alignment="centre" size="14" style="semi_bold" multiline="false" auto_size="vertical" wants_mouse_events="false" dont_give_default_focus="true" colour="secondary">
                    <record id="object_property">
                        <list id="get_properties">


Change the size value to your preference. 



If you are lacking this panel you will need to extract it using the resource archiver, guides in the sticky posts. 

Cheers man - do you know which archive/file I extract titlebar search panel from? I know how to extact - just no idea where this particular file is. Or what's the name of your skin n I could download that?

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You need to extract the panels file using the resource archiver. Directory details are in the guide.


In terms of the tab bar, that's usually contained within the client object browser and is the sections menu strip part of code. You are then looking to add or edit a 'red_replacement' value and appearance value, to the primary colour within the widget line of code, i.e. appearance="boxes/bordered/solid/paper" & red_replacement="primary".

titlebar search panel.xml

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Thankyou - I've found the sections menu strip in client objects browser, but all that is there is this:

<!-- actions and sections bar -->
                                <!-- please dont change the ID of this bar, if you really need to please notify Isaac as it will effect gamepad stuff :) -->
                                <container navigation_container="true" id="tBAR" >
                                    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" />
                                    <container class="sections_menu_strip" id="acse" />

There is no widget code or colour properties to edit. Do I just insert these lines? If so any idea what I should insert and where within this section of code?

Thankyou so much for your help!

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It's the widget just above (in the default files)

<!-- coloured actions bar image -->
          <widget class="main_box" id="ACTb" appearance="boxes/custom/interface/tab bar/paper" red_replacement="primary"/>


I suspect the graphic it's pointing to is transparent which is why the appearance directory needs changing. 


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I'm so sorry - trying to understand but it's just going over my head.

I've found that line as you say in the widget just above. But as per the line above it already says "red_replacement="primary" but the tab bar is showing up as transparent. I don't understand how i'd go about making it the team's primary colour if the line already says it should be the team's primary colour?

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3 hours ago, Loda said:

I suspect the graphic it's pointing to is transparent which is why the appearance directory needs changing. 


3 hours ago, Loda said:

You are then looking to add or edit a 'red_replacement' value and appearance value, to the primary colour within the widget line of code, i.e. appearance="boxes/bordered/solid/paper" & red_replacement="primary".code.

The appearance needs changing, I've even given an example to copy and paste.

Please read my posts fully.

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Sorry man - just seen your most recent post above. I am reading your posts in full. I genuinely just don't understand. This isn't my forte - it's just something I'm having a good go at. Thankyou for helping.

Are you saying add the following lines within client object browser.xml?



Where within the file should I add those two lines?

Do I need to do anything else?

Apologies for my slowness.

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Cheers. Following that directory path, how do I know which paper file relates to the one I want?

I followed the directory path for the actionbar/tabbar image in client browser .xml: boxes/interface/tab bar/paper and changed the xml paper file colour Id red etc replacements to be secondary, primary etc but saw no change in game.

Am I changing the wrong file?

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  • 10 months later...


Could someone give me a hand in making the "search bar text" not white?

I am able to change the colour of the title but when I click on the bar to search, the typing is white and when im with primary white team colours it is impossible to see anything.

Thank you in advance!




Edited by <<Macaco-RJ88>>
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It should be controlled by the search box titlebar found in the panels\widgets folder if it's not present in your skin you'll find to extract the file from the panels fmf file and copy it across.

Locate the bit of code that looks like colour="XXX" and replace XXX with the colour you want to use.

Though by default it should be using the teams secondary (text) colours so if you want it back to default you should just be able to delete that file from your skin.


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