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Weird Saved Game appears

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Hi, not sure if this issue only happens to me, or this has been raised by other players.

A summary of what happened:

I opened the game as per usual on 4th Jan, and found that there was a weird "Man Utd" saved game without a date on the list (main page save screen attachment). For a moment I thought I had accidentally overwritten a "Leeds Utd" save. However, I found that the save actually still exist somewhere (in-game save screen), just that I was unable to access it via the main screen save page. 

Does anyone have any advice on this? Do I need to wait for an update to fix this issue?

Thank you.

Main Page save screen.PNG

In-Game save screen.PNG

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On 06/01/2020 at 17:17, Louie Silvani said:

Hi Isaac

What device are you using?



Hi Louie, 

I'm using iPhone X, with ios 13.2.3

Recently there is an update for the new ios, but I'm unsure if updating it would solve this issue.

Please let me know if you require additional information. 

Thank you!


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On 08/01/2020 at 16:54, Louie Silvani said:

Hi Isaac, thanks for getting back to me.

if you update it and the issue still occurs, please let me know. 

Hi Louie, 

I have updated my ios. But the issue still persists. 
Would you be able to help me with this?

Thank you so much. 

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14 hours ago, James Akintayo said:

hi Isaac can you post a screenshot of your cloud save screen?

Also can you send us your save games.

You can upload the save game here https://oc.sigames.com/owncloud/index.php/s/Kzvhd0MdU3v4Nv4

Can you also label the saves so we know which ones which and who sent them.

Hi James, 

Thank you for reaching out. 

As you had requested for the screenshot of the cloud save screen, I wanted to update one of the games I had saved inside. 

The moment I updated the save, the device save screen's "weird save" disappeared. 

With this, I'm just wondering, if there were some issues with the cloud save in this case.

Thank you. 

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