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Help with container layouts


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Any help very much appreciated.

I am trying to rearrange the player personal details box on player profile screen. In essence I'm trying to make the text info appear in two columns (will then later move it downwards and increase player pic size) I'm trying to do this by playing round with containers.

This whole panel is made up of two large containers (the stuff at the top is all in one container and the stuff i'm interested in at bottom is all in a second container. I've circled this second container in green below).

Within the green container I am trying to create a new subdivision container around all of the widgets re/player details (circled in orange in the images below). With the aim of then further inserting two other containers within this to split up the player info (highlighted in blue below), allowing me then to use horizontal arrange for the orange container to in effect get the two new blue containers displaying as if there were two columns (by making the two blue containers arrange themselves alongside each other within the orange container as in bottom image below).

BUT I'm failing at the first hurdle. The xml changes i've made below are making the whole of the green container disappear from the screen. What am I doing wrong? 

Here's the relevant half of the xml showing just the green container and my inserted code in orange and blue:


  <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_offset="0" vertical_gap="0"/>

            <!--Player extra details (e.g. onloan at...)-->
            <container class="inner_subtle_box_no_margin" height="25">
                <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" />

                <widget class="player_extra_details_text" font="title" alignment="centre" multiline="false">
                    <record id="object_property" get_property="PExD" />

            <container height="6"/>
            <container> <!--new ORANGE container-->

            <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_layout="-1,-1" horizontal_offset="0" horizontal_gap="0">

                     <container> <!--first new BLUE container-->

                     <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_offset="0" vertical_gap="0"/>

                             <!-- D.O.B / Age -->
                            <widget class="label" font="label" auto_size="vertical">
                                <translation id="text" translation_id="458477" type="use" value="D.O.B.[COMMENT: player profile, personal details; Abbreviation for 'Date of Birth']" />
                                <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange_vertical_autosize" horizontal_alignment="left" horizontal_offset="0" horizontal_gap="10" vertical_alignment="top" vertical_inset="0" />

                                <!-- Age -->
                                <!-- We use an editable panel here just to make it disappear when editing-->
                                <!-- fixed height as an attempt to fix 152615 -->--&gt;
                                <widget class="editable_client_object_property_panel" id="age " auto_size="all" font="value">
                                    <record id="widget_info" class="formatted_label" alignment="left,centre_y" height="22" auto_size="all">
                                        <translation id="format" translation_id="242551" type="use" value="[%number#1] years old" />
                                    <record id="widget_edit_info" width="0" height="0" />
                                    <record id="object_property" get_property="Page" />

                                <!-- DoB -->
                                <widget class="editable_client_object_property_panel" id="dobl" auto_size="all" font="value">
                                    <record id="widget_info" class="game_formatted_label" alignment="left,centre_y" auto_size="all" auto_size_minimum_height="20" format="([%date#1-short])" colour="faded text" />
                                    <record id="widget_properties" height="24" />
                                    <record id="object_property" get_property="Pdob" />

                            <container height="6"/>

                            <!-- Nationality -->
                            <widget class="label" font="label" auto_size="vertical">
                                <translation id="text" translation_id="248033" type="use" value="Nationality[COMMENT - Hall of fame section]" />
                            <widget class="editable_client_object_property_panel" id="intc " auto_size="vertical" font="value">
                                <record id="widget_info" class="nation_button" auto_size="vertical" format="[%nation#1-nationality]" />
                                <record id="widget_properties" auto_size="vertical" />
                                <record id="object_property" dont_set_hint="true" get_property="PNat" />

                            <!-- Int Caps -->
                            <widget class="international_appearances_label" size="small" auto_size="vertical" >
                                <record id="object_property" dont_set_hint="true" get_property="Pist" />

                            <container height="6"/>


                   <container>  <!--second new BLUE container-->

                   <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_offset="0" vertical_gap="0"/>

                            <widget class="label" font="label" auto_size="vertical">
                                <translation id="text" translation_id="292633" type="use" value="Estimated Value[COMMENT: player profile; value label]" />
                            <widget class="value_label" id="valu" auto_size="vertical" font="value">
                                <record id="object_property" get_property="Pdva" dont_set_hint="true" />

                            <container height="6"/>

                            <!--Wage / Expiry date-->
                            <widget class="label" font="label" auto_size="vertical">
                                <translation id="text" translation_id="257347" type="use" value="Contract[COMMENT - transfer status filter text; offers at contract stage]" />
                            <container height="23" id="wged">
                                <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="fill" offset="0" gap="0" />
                                <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" />

                                <widget class="editable_client_object_property_panel" id="Pcww" font="value">
                                    <record id="object_property" get_property="Pcww" />
                                <widget class="editable_client_object_property_panel" id="Pcex" font="value">
                                    <record id="object_property" get_property="Pcex" />
                            <widget class="link_text" id="wgex" section="Pcnr" auto_size="vertical" font="value"/>





Edited by Mikeonhisboat
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