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Steam Cloud Saves

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Hi all 


Sorry if this is a repost,


i have used FM all the time on my PC but recently decided to get myself a laptop, and i have been emailing myself the game save over outlook cloud to what ever machine i am on

when i was on my laptop, i noticed steam had a cloud option to save the game in,
Thinking this would be easier and save me time emailing it to myself i saved it over cloud (& local file for safe keeping) thinking it would just be available to load when i went back to my towerPC

but now loading FM on my pc it gets this error message:


"steam was unable to sync your files for football manager 2020 with the steam cloud"

"if you have launched this app from another computer, your app settings and/or progress may not be in sync with what is stored in the cloud
if you launch this app now, you may lose those changed or progress"


is there a way to do this that i am missing or am i better just keep emailing myself the save




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@tomobwfc21 Best bet would be to contact Steam report. There is a troubleshooter page on cloud saves - https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=6736-QEIG-8941 - but not really a fix.

It happens with other games, so it's a Steam issue rather than a FM one. It's been bugged here before, but not really something SI can help with.

I did a google search for "Steam unable to sync files" and got a lot of discussion on it. You might get some answers on the hits for that search, but be careful if you don't know what you're doing. Couldn't see a definitive answer.

Hope you get it to work.

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yeah cheers for the replies i tried to read some, they just all seem abit confusing, i just wondered if anyone had got it to work
il probs just keep emailing it for the time being and delete the save from steam cloud 

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