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[FM20] White on white skin and black on dark skin


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  • 3 weeks later...

Please check the "font_spec" in "graphics/boxes/subsection/standard/paper.xml",especially the following strings.

    <colour id="colr" name="***"/>

The default value of "***" is "accent", but yours are probably not, I suppose. (the value of "font" as well)
Or you did change the "accent colour", didn't you?

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7 horas atrás, Vakzin_QPR disse:

Please check the "font_spec" in "graphics/boxes/subsection/standard/paper.xml",especially the following strings.

    <colour id="colr" name="***"/>

The default value of "***" is "accent", but yours are probably not, I suppose. (the value of "font" as well)
Or you did change the "accent colour", didn't you?

Many thanks. Solved:





But in the dark skin i have this:


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First of all, when posting screenshots, please be sure to change the language to English and display the full screen.
Otherwise, it's so hard to identify which panel is it. 
  (I appreciate your kindness in trying to make it clearer by cutting out the screenshots.)

Every black text's font is "title".

1-1. please look for the following strings in "fonts/title.fontxml".
    <colour id="fill_colour" name="***"/>

1-2. Please look for the following strings in the same file.
    <integer id="fill_colour_red" value="0" />
    <integer id="fill_colour_green" value="0" />
    <integer id="fill_colour_blue" value="0" />
    <integer id="fill_colour_alpha" value="255" />

2-1. If "1-1" is YES and "***" is "black", please change the value.

2-2. If "1-1" is NO and "1-2" is YES, you could delete 4 lines above and add the following strings (or change the values of "fill_colour"s).
    <colour id="fill_colour" name="text"/>

2-3. If both are NO, you could add the strings as same as "2-2".

Here are the specific solutions.

the 1st photo: team/team training mentoring item.xml
  You could add   colour="***"   on the line 40.
    <widget class="text" id="txtW" auto_size="all" alignment="centre" style="semi_bold" font="title" colour="accent">

the 2nd photo: widgets/training schedule week row inbox.xml
  You could add   colour="***"   on the line 44.
    <widget class="text" entity_layout_id="at05" alignment="centre_y,left" id="txtL" font="title" auto_size="horizontal" name="week text" embed_in_frame="true" needs_width="true" height="32" colour="text">

the 3rd photo: news_item_panels/inbox content with press conference agenda panel.xml
  You could add   colour="***"   on the lines 10, 82, 101 & 116
  (or change the value of font into "label").

    <widget class="text" id="ObTp" auto_size="vertical" font="title" colour="faded text">
      <translation id="text" translation_id="447651" type="use" value="Fixture" />

    <widget class="text" auto_size="vertical" font="title" colour="faded text">
      <translation id="text" translation_id="466485" type="use" value="Notable Journalists In Attendance" />

    <widget class="text" auto_size="vertical" font="title" alignment="left, centre_y" colour="faded text">
      <translation id="text" translation_id="466486" type="use" value="Likely Talking Points" />

    <widget class="text" auto_size="vertical" font="title" alignment="left, centre_y" colour="faded text">
      <translation id="text" translation_id="466487" type="use" value="Press Interest" />

the 4th photo: club/budget adjustment panel.xml
  You could change   colour="secondary_text"   to "text" or so on the lines 16 & 32.
    <widget class="label" auto_size="all" font="title" colour="secondary_text">
      <translation id="text" translation_id="291308" type="use" value="Wage Budget[COMMENT:Wage budget label]" />

    <widget class="label" auto_size="all" font="title" colour="secondary_text">
      <translation id="text" translation_id="291309" type="use" value="Transfer Budget[COMMENT:Transfer budget label]" />

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The most simple way I suppose is to copy the files that I listed in the last post from FM default skin, and change the code as written in "Here are the specific solutions".

If the answers of the following questions are NO, NO, NO & YES, I have no idea there is another way or not .

1-1. Are there any files other than "config.xml" and "fm dark settings.xml" in the "setting" folder?

1-2. Have you change the code of "fm dark settings.xml" from the one in the Rensie Skin?

1-3. Are there any files other than "proximanova-bold.ttf" and "proximanova-regular.ttf" in the "fonts" folder?

1-4. Is the value of "parent" on the line 19 in "skin_config.xml" "fm dark" or "fm dark-widgets"?
    <flags id="parent" value="fm dark" />

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