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Top teams artifficial boost??

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Hi, i would like to ask about your opinion about games, when you have to face top teams with your average side. Subject i'm asking about, is your players going braindead when they face top teams. What i mean by that. Have you noticed that your players are making completly stupid decision in such games?

1st example. my BPD has instruction to play short passses, team instruction is short passes as well, meanwhile he just kicks the ball forward to no one, even tho he's not under preasure and there is 1 or 2 not marked players near to him. in games against relatively similiar teams he's always choosing short pass

2nd example. FB has quite easy pass by side line to winger, instead he's making attempt to long pass ball across the pitch.

3rd example. player with yellow card, with instruction to easy off tackles, is for no reason running behind player with ball and kicks him having no chance to get ball. obviously red card.    

Other thig is how players change depending if they play for AI or real player.

1st example. opposition striker scores nearly every chance he has. good example for me is Anthony Martial. when i was playing with Man Utd he was wasting 90% of 1 on 1, when he plays against me he's scoring 90% of 1 on 1.

2nd example. opposition GK becomes superman, saving immposible balls. i mean really crazy thing he's doing.


is it just me or others have similiart impression? regards.

Edited by fmjonek
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17 minutes ago, fmjonek said:

my BPD has instruction to play short passses, team instruction is short passes as well, meanwhile he just kicks the ball forward to no one

That is what a BPD is supposed to do, in a way. He plays more risky passes and is more direct. You are describing the behaviour he should have, and the problem is one of not having attacking players in good areas to receive the ball. If you do not want him to play these balls, you do not want a BPD. 


19 minutes ago, fmjonek said:

2nd example. FB has quite easy pass by side line to winger, instead he's making attempt to long pass ball across the pitch.

Impossible to comment without knowing the PIs for this player, and the team instructions you have set up. Nor without actually seeing the incident. Could be many reasons for this.

19 minutes ago, fmjonek said:

3rd example. player with yellow card, with instruction to easy off tackles, is for no reason running behind player with ball and kicks him having no chance to get ball. obviously red card.    

Again it depends on the instructions you give the team, and the player.And the situation the player finds himself in. It is impossible to know from this description what happened. 


20 minutes ago, fmjonek said:

1st example. opposition striker scores nearly every chance he has. good example for me is Anthony Martial. when i was playing with Man Utd he was wasting 90% of 1 on 1, when he plays against me he's scoring 90% of 1 on 1.

The AI tends to create better chances than the average user, so this can be tactical. As in when you played you created worse chances for Martial than the AI creates. There is a known 1v1 bug at the moment. It can also be confirmation bias. I tend to find in 1v1 where a player has little pressure, he scores as much as he misses. 

22 minutes ago, fmjonek said:

2nd example. opposition GK becomes superman, saving immposible balls. i mean really crazy thing he's doing.

Good 'keepers are just good. You expect them to save more than they concede. I rely on this a lot at the moment since my 'keeper is much better than my defenders. He pulls off some wonderful saves. He was once man of the match in a 3-0 defeat for me (imagine the score if he had not been there!)

There is no special things happening when you play bigger sides. A lot depends on how you set up against them tactically. Big teams will attack you, they will press you, they will sit high up the pitch.Their players are good enough to escape a press. Good enough to lose a marker. Can spot and make passes better. Have more composure. Better finishing. A generalisation, but it is true. You may not be able to play how you normally play in this situation. For example, playing the ball from defence against a team with a strong high press can be suicide. So can performing a high press against players who are good enough to pass around it. 

You can also add that some players perform better than others in big matches (there is an attribute for that), and that attributes like decisions will also affect this. 

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ad1. I'm talking about situation when he plays this ball when he shouldn't because he lacks option at front, which he doesn't usualy, beside top side. i'm not speculating about expoerience in 1 game, it's tested across many houers in game.

ad2. exactly same PI as in any other game where he doesn't do it

ad3. i'm talking about pure 1 on 1. no preasure, no defender near him

ad4. ofc tahre are good GK, ofc they should save more, but some situatiuon they are saving are just readiculous.

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