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Selling players

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Almost a game breaker for me. It is virtually impossible to sell players on this game unless they are your most highly rated players or are extremely important to the team. Even then they sometimes receive no offers if you offer them out. 

I have played with 4 different clubs since launch and at every club, I've had the same problem. I am yet to successfully receive and offer when adding to unwanted list. This is with the top 6 european leagues running at every level and only a medium db. 

Just offered Romagnoli for one million. He's 29 and is worth 2. Not a single offer. Offered him for 500k and still nothing.  This is one of many examples I have.

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Well, I have to say that I have the exactly opposite experience as I recieve many offers for my players, highly exceeding their market value, and have no problem to sell players and make huge profit. But I should note that I build an extremelly young and talented squad that attracts some of the best European clubs. Database size and number of loaded leagues can surely play big role here.

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(i played in Hungary, 2038). 

I can sell well some players (ex. Value 500m, sell 9M, another v 475m, sell 4M). 

I have only 2 major problems. 

1) AI seems don't remember the price paid before for a player. So, example, if i a paid a young 500m, even if the value become 50m, AI should keep in mind that the player wont be sold at 100 (financially Will be a disaster even with amortisation) . 

That's something that AI should avoid. 


2) (that's problem for both AI and human). 

At the contrary of real life, in FM, performance aren't so important in the transfert market how (perceveid) CA/PA. 

Example: my GK wins the price for the best gk of league. He Is 21, with a very low wage and my team was a bottom team. 

I try to sell It. Even at 0, nobody wants him. I terminate his contract.

As said, i as human make the same, rarely see at performance.

(I think some attributes like some mental ones should more cryptic: example: determination: Good, that should mean 10-14 but we wont ever know real stat. So we will look more at performance - i think i made a post in future req)

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