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Loan System Broken


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I try to offer a player out for loan by going to his profile and clicking Actions > Offer to clubs, choosing my parameters, and clicking “offer for loan”. At this point, the profile disappears as usual, but the message in my inbox saying “you’ve received a couple if enquiries regarding your offer for [player x]” never shows up, and no offers are ever received.

The same thing happens regardless of a player’s age, contract, nationality, etc; and players can be offered for transfer with no problems at all.

This problem has started the past few weeks (of real world time), in about the 3rd year of my save.

Thanks for looking into this.

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The game currently does not provide a news item when offering a player out on loan, this is something we are aware of.

The most effective way to loan out players is to place them on the loan list when offering them to clubs.

You can also set you assistant manager to loan out players below a certain age.

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